Bill HD 4420 In Massachusetts Is A Bad Idea! A Total Second Amendment Violation. Time To Speak Out.

8 months ago

A bill in the Massachusetts Legislature; Bill HD 4420, that aims to "rewrite and re-regulate Massachusetts' gun laws" or "gun violence reform bill" is not something I support and neither does many people I know personally; whether it is friends, my dad, other families, etc. support. I myself and them are completely against it. It is a total violation of the Second Amendment and even though I am on the left; further left than the modern life, I support the Second Amendment (and common sense gun laws for safety of course). But this bill is not a good idea; it is bad for the Constitution, bad for business and is a solution to a nonexistent problem. Massachusetts has one of the lowest gun crime rates in the country; so this bill is also unnecessary. It serves no purpose and it would do nothing to stop gun crime that is quite rare to begin with, it would only target law abiding citizens. It is a bad idea, a bad bill and should be stopped by any means. Stop Bill HD 4420! We have been moved forward in a lot of good ways; tax cuts our first in 20 years, our business climate improving, I do not want to see our state move in this direction with guns that would not be good for law abiding citizens and the Constitution. I do not want to move backward, I want to move forward. Speak out, contact your local representative and protest; stop this bill by all means.

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