🇫🇷 dzigavertova.com ™ || My Mom is very proud of dating a fugly, violent elderly Latino guy.

1 year ago

🇫🇷 On est le 2 octobre 2023

My Mom is very proud of dating a broke, fugly, handicapped Latino guy who kindly provides her with a roof over her head, a few crumbs of food from time to time in exchange for dick sucking.

She prioritizes this man despite his violent record, over herself and her own daughter who does not have a criminal record or any history of violence. Her daughter in the past five years has earned more than both of their incomes combined over their lifetimes.

She is very jealous of this fact.

Tant pis pour moi.

Not my fault.

🇫🇷 neverbradpittsgirlfriend.com

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