DEbate between me a a Commie about Rabbi Meir Kahane, ztz'l

1 year ago

In case the audio is too bad, I made a transcript:

Underzog: [you're complaining about Rabbi Kahane sleeping around?] Will you also complain about Martin Luther King because it was documented that he slept around?
Robert Friedman: Are you comparing Rabbi Kahane, the racist demagogue with Martin Luther King [jr.]? If you are, I think that you're sick.

Underzog: You say it's bad. I don't know if it's true. Maybe you interviewed the woman who committed suicide to get that story, but there's one standard for Rabbi Kahane and another for a Protestant minister?

Robert Friedman: Oh! You're one of those [unintelligible] who worship at Rabbi Kahane's racist altar?

Underzog: What? I didn't hear you.

Robert Friedman: I'm sorry. Are you one of those Rabbi Kahane supporters that love the dear Rabbi?

Underzog: Yeah... I like him. I believe in kicking out the Arabs, at least.

Robert Friedman: You agree with kicking out two million Arabs?

Underzog: Oh yeah... I do. Alright, let's deal with that then. Do they have a right to become a majority, as they certainly will, and change Israel to Palestine and cancel the law of return?

Robert Friedman: It's an easy question to answer.

Underzog: What?

Robert Friedman: It's an easy question to answer.

Underzog: Then, answer it!

Robert Friedman: There's at least 50% of the Israeli public that says as long as the Israeli government....

Underzog: You said it's easy. Yes or no! Yes or no. Give me an answer!

Robert Friedman: Shut up and listen!

Underzog: Hey hey calm down you leftwing commie... and give me an answer.

Robert Friedman: Hey pal! Shut your face so I can finish.

Underzog: Oh G-d...what a mature conversation from this great leftwing intellectual.

Robert Friedman: Forget it! You're just a Kahane person. You don't listen -- you rave!

Underzog: Awwww geeeeee.

David Brudnoy: Excuse me--both gentlemen.... It is perfectly proper that the caller be a Kahane person as the author [Robert Friedman] be an anti Kahane person. Each person has a right to his own view.

Robert Friedman: Absolutely! [unintelligible].

David Brudnoy: [Underzog] let him speak, please....

Robert Friedman: The question was what happens if the Arabs become a majority in Israel. the Arabs won't become a majority in Israel if Israel, as many of its citizens want, trade territory for peace with the Arabs.

Underzog: No. You're wrong about that [unintelligible, I know, but I remember the conversation we had]. It will just buy a few years and leave Israel, especially with modern warfare, exceptionally vulnerable.

Robert Friedman: [unintelligible] Not according to military intelligence; not according to the Labor party which proposes that.

Underzog: According to the State Department, the Arabs will become a majority if Israel gives up the liberated territories or not!

Robert Friedman: They will? Are you a demographic expert?

Underzog: I've read books on it.

Robert Friedman: In the 1967 borders of Israel, Jews are about a 75% majority. Don't forget there are one million Jews from the Soviet Union arriving over the next fve years.

Underzog: [temporarily cut off by David Brudnoy because of cross talk with Robert Friedman] -- a majority. It is only a matter of time before they become a majority.

Robert Friedman: Why don't you move there and increase the Jewish population?

Underzog: Maybe I will.

Robert Friedman: Why don't you?

David Brudnoy: [Underzog] thank you for your call.

Underzog: [you're complaing about Rabbi Kahane sleeping around?] Will you also complain about Martin Luther King because it was documented that he slept around?
Robert Friedman: Are you comparing Rabbi Kahane, the racist demagogue with Martin Luther King [jr.]? If you are, I think that you're sick.

Underzog: You say it's bad. I don't know if it's true. Maybe you interviewed the woman who committed suicide to get that story, but there's one standard for Rabbi Kahane and another for a Protestant minister?

Robert Friedman: Oh! You're one of those [unintelligible] who worship at Rabbi Kahane's racist altar?

Underzog: What? I didn't hear you.

Robert Friedman: I'm sorry. Are you one of those Rabbi Kahane supporters that love the dear Rabbi?

Underzog: Yeah... I like him. I believe in kicking out the Arabs, at least.

Robert Friedman: You agree with kicking out two million Arabs?

Underzog: Oh yeah... I do. Alright, let's deal with that then. Do they have a right to become a majority, as they certainly will, and change Israel to Palestine and cancel the law of return?

Robert Friedman: It's an easy question to answer.

Underzog: What?

Robert Friedman: It's an easy question to answer.

Underzog: Then, answer it!

Robert Friedman: There's at least 50% of the Israeli public that says as long as the Israeli government....

Underzog: You said it's easy. Yes or no! Yes or no. Give me an answer!

Robert Friedman: Shut up and listen!

Underzog: Hey hey calm down you leftwing commie... and give me an answer.

Robert Friedman: Hey pal! Shut your face so I can finish.

Underzog: Oh G-d...what a mature conversation from this great leftwing intellectual.

Robert Friedman: Forget it! You're just a Kahane person. You don't listen -- you rave!

Underzog: Awwww geeeeee.

David Brudnoy: Excuse me--both gentlemen.... It is perfectly proper that the caller be a Kahane person as the author [Robert Friedman] be an anti Kahane person. Each person has a right to his own view.

Robert Friedman: Absolutely! [unintelligible].

David Brudnoy: [Underzog] let him speak, please....

Robert Friedman: The question was what happens if the Arabs become a majority in Israel. the Arabs won't become a majority in Israel if Israel, as many of its citizens want, trade territory for peace with the Arabs.

Underzog: No. You're wrong about that [unintelligible, I know, but I remember the conversation we had]. It will just buy a few years and leave Israel, especially with modern warfare, exceptionally vulnerable.

Robert Friedman: [unintelligible] Not according to military intelligence; not according to the Labor party which proposes that.

Underzog: According to the State Department, the Arabs will become a majority if Israel gives up the liberated territories or not!

Robert Friedman: They will? Are you a demographic expert?

Underzog: I've read books on it.

Robert Friedman: In the 1967 borders of Israel, Jews are about a 75% majority. Don't forget there are one million Jews from the Soviet Union arriving over the next fve years.

Underzog: [temporarily cut off by David Brudnoy because of cross talk with Robert Friedman] -- a majority. It is only a matter of time before they become a majority.

Robert Friedman: Why don't you move there and increase the Jewish population?

Underzog: Maybe I will.

Robert Friedman: Why don't you?

David Brudnoy: [Underzog] thank you for your call.

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