Symphony No. 8 by Beethoven reviewed by Richard Wigmore Building a Library 14th October 2023

8 months ago

Beethoven's Symphony No. 8 has often suffered in comparison to its immediate symphonic neighbours (when asked why people favoured the Seventh symphony over the Eighth, Beethoven replied “Because the Eighth is so much better”). In one sense the Eighth is just like all Beethoven's symphonies, each one of which is revolutionary and breaks new musical ground compared to its predecessor. This time, Beethoven's preoccupations were concision, formal subversion, ebullient energy and musical humour. Beethoven's instrumental writing is remarkable, too, and well over a century after its 1814 premiere, the Eighth impressed no less a judge than Igor Stravinsky, who knew a thing or two about orchestration.
Richard's recommended recording:
Kammerphilharmonie Bremen
Paavo Järvi (conductor)
RCA 88697006552
Recommended period instrument recording:
London Classical Players
Roger Norrington (conductor)
Erato 0834232

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