德鲁·平斯基博士的新研究显示,50% 的年轻人在接种疫苗后患上心肌炎,现在出现了永久性的心脏损伤,他不明白为什么这不是头版新闻。他建议受伤的学生起诉任何有此规定的学校!#盘古翻

1 year ago

Dr. Drew Pinsky's new study shows that 50 percent of young people who developed myocarditis after being vaccinated now have permanent heart damage, and he doesn't understand why it's not front-page news. He recommends that injured students sue any school that has such a policy!
德鲁·平斯基博士的新研究显示,50% 的年轻人在接种疫苗后患上心肌炎,现在出现了永久性的心脏损伤,他不明白为什么这不是头版新闻。他建议受伤的学生起诉任何有此规定的学校!#盘古翻译部

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