The Leo Frank Case - Preface - Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery

6 months ago

Considered the greatest crime thriller of all time, in Atlanta and the South, is undoubtedly the well-known Leo M. Frank case. The story goes that when young Mary Phagan went to the National Pencil Factory to pick up her paycheck, she was brutally murdered. Despite its horrifying details, is understandably fascinating to any working man or woman. Everyone who hears of a crime mystery finds it fascinating. However, with Leo M. Frank, Mary Phagan's crime thriller lost its identity because it involves the prosecution of an elite Jew. A friendly little employee had died in a large factory under Frank's management. This was the Leo Frank case. Nothing in the South has aroused as much interest in a murder investigation as this one. This is not just the tale of a devout man sent to murder a young factory girl consumed by lust. It's not just a thriller about crimes.

The significance of this case stems from his claim that he is a victim of persecution because he is Jewish. This is the story of a horrific crime, important occasions that transpired during the next four months, and, at the end, the remarkable trial story of two of the best criminal defense attorneys in the South going up against the astute minds of the Atlanta Attorney General for a month. was completed. Sadly, the media was too scared to include many of the fascinating stories surrounding the Frank case in their articles, so they were never published.

The play ends with Frank being declared guilty by the Fulton Supreme Court. After the Atlanta County trial, the matter remained unresolved. This is because, in the event that the juvenile defendant is given a death sentence, he will likely be brought before a judge shortly after; however, it may take months or even years for his execution which there was a hold on. However, beginning the day of the verdict, the struggle for Frank's life turned into a convoluted legal battle. The real story ends with a trial and an explanation of all the important details by the author.

Check out this and up and coming future audio recordings of "The Frank Case: Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery" book including a page detailing the chronology of the crime and 22 chapters.

Seeking Justice for Little Mary Phagan

Please purchase the book, 'The Frank Case: Inside Story of Georgia's Greatest Murder Mystery by The Atlanta Publishing Company' to learn more about the Leo Frank case.

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