Prophet Julie Green - Live With Julie - It's Time To Prepare - with Captions

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8 months ago

Taking Back Our Nations: Uniting in God's Name

In this message, God is calling upon his children to stay and stand strong, but also to prepare themselves for the coming events. God warns of great evil that will be unleashed upon the earth, causing fear and trying to steer people away from him. However, God assures his children that he is protecting them and preparing them for this time. He promises that his glory will fill their homes and bring them great joy and peace. God also declares that a great judgment is coming, like no man has ever seen, against the enemies of God who have done evil things upon the earth. He vows to reveal those who have been against his people and to bring their hidden actions to light. God calls upon his children to unite, stop the division, and take back their nations. He warns those who have planned evil against the nation and his chosen leader that their plans will fall apart and they will be brought to shame. God promises to bring back order, justice, and freedom to his nations and children, despite the efforts of the enemy to bring chaos and darkness. He encourages his children to let his glory flow through them and to speak his words, for nothing the enemy does will prosper against them.

Full Transcript:

Good Morning everybody. Today is Wednesday, October 4th of 2023 and I do have a, I just want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show. I, I, I was going to do something a little bit differently. Today, I was going to read this prophecy that I was going to give you on Monday, and I'm not allowed to do it.

The Lord had changed me right before I got on here once again, and I'm gonna do things a little bit differently this morning. I always tell the Lord it's, it's, it's his ministry. It's his show and whatever he wants to do, I will do it. And so, about a half an hour before I got on here, I just, something has been rising up in my spirit.

So, don't be surprised if he gives a word at some point. During this live show again, I, I, something's, something's going on here that he wants me to say. So, before I get to that, if you do have any, any prayer requests, please reach out to us. We, we have such a powerful prayer team here and we've been seeing so many different praise reports of what God is doing.

So if you want to reach out to us for prayer, it's, you can go to our website at under our contact page or you can write us at Julie Greene Ministries International 4620 East 53rd Street Suite 200 Davenport, Iowa 52807. And also I will be I'm pre recording and you're, you're going to see, I actually did a pre record this morning.

I did two yesterday morning and next week you're going to have some of the prophecies that are going to be out of date because I did there's three of them from 10-1. October 1st. I did three of those. Well, because I've been pushing these off. Now you're going to see them out of order next week.

So I do apologize for that. But when this happens, I I'm, I'm going to do whatever the Lord says, whether I'm going to be out of order for the dates of the prophecies that are given. So I want to let you guys know, I have already pre recorded started pre recording for next week. So you will see them out of order.

But sometimes it's just. That's kind of the way it goes because it's unctioned by the Lord. So I, I just do whatever he wants me to do and when he wants me to do it. So the reason why I'm pre recording is because I'll be part of the Exodus next week with brother Timothy Dixon, Manuel Johnson, and J.R Locke.

I will be speaking next Tuesday October 10th and it starts at 7 PM and that's Eastern time. And then I will be flying to Miami, Florida. We'll be part of the Reawaken America tour. I think I speak on Friday. I have to check the the schedule for that, but I'm pretty sure I speak on Friday.

So that is all the announcements. If you guys want to more, know more information about the events we're going to be at, you can click on the description box below, or you can go to our website at under our events page. Now I, you know, I'm okay. I, there's nothing, there's nothing wrong with me.

The reason why I'm acting a little bit different and not as. You know, bouncy or happy this morning is just because I'm listening to the Lord and seeing what he wants me to do because something is definitely unusual today. And I know a lot of people think it's because of this whole, you know, EBS thing and, and it could very well be, but I, I, there's more, there's, there's just so much going on in the spirit and there's so much going on.

Around the world that we don't know, we, we don't know everything we, we are not seeing everything. And so that's the reason why God is telling us it's time to get serious and it's time to stay alert. It's time to start praying. It's time to be you know, just start getting on our knees and and fasting and praying and do whatever the Lord wants us to do.

This is not time to just live life as normal and just kind of live your day as you, you want to occupy your day and, and just do things as normal. It's not that time anymore. I'm getting that in my spirit. It's just, it's not that time anymore just to be normal. And this is not anything to get worried about or get fearful about.

This is just something that the Lord is just saying, Hey, Things are happening right now that you have to be aware of and, and again, I, I, I know he's going to speak something. I, I just know it. I can, I can,

I can feel his presence, but


I'm just going to let him speak because I know he wants to.

>>>For I the Lord this day am telling my children to stay. I'm telling my children to stand,

but I'm also telling my children to prepare.

Prepare. Prepare your hearts, prepare your minds, prepare your homes, prepare for my glory, prepare for my will and my plan that will go forth. I'm preparing the way for my children. Stay with me. There are many things that are about to happen, many things upon this earth that will shake you, that will try.

That will try to shake you, that will try to steer you away from me. Many distractions are on the way. Many things that will look one way when they're really another.

My children, your enemies are about to pour out great evil upon this earth.

An evil that will bring much fear to some.

But I have told you in this time, where I have warned, I have warned. Over and over again, I have warned of this time. I've been preparing your hearts for this time. I have been building your faith and your trust in me. In this time, I have been showing you who you are with me in this time. I am protecting you in this time.

Yes, I Am. My glory shall fill your homes and a great joy and a great peace you will receive. The ones who are looking to me, the ones who are waiting on me, the ones who have been preparing with me.

Great judgment is coming...

a judgment like no man has ever seen!

A judgment against the enemies of Almighty God, who have done so many evil things upon this earth,

and so many things against my nation, so many things against my body,

and so many things against your rightful president.

Great anguish they have caused; I've heard it.

I've heard the anguish and the cries of my people.

I've seen the chains the enemy has put on them.

I've seen the slavery.

I've seen the bondage. I've seen the injustice,

and I've seen the bloodshed.

Many people have paid with their life to save this nation.

Many people paid with their life to keep a secret that your enemies don't want told.

My children, many things are about to change!

Many things are about to change in this nation!

Many removals, many surprising events are about to take place. Things that are unconventional and things that have never happened before. And what you saw yesterday in the house, in your house, in this country, is just the beginning of things that haven't happened before.

I'm about to reveal the people who've been against you. Oh yes, I am about to reveal the people in your governments that have been against you!

Many things that they have hidden in the dark will be brought to the surface and brought to the light.

This day, my children, I am telling you to take back your nations! I am telling you to unite in my name!

I am telling you to stop the division! You stop the calling of names! You stop trying to bring discord in this body, in this nation. Yes, you know who you are and some of you listen. You will not bring the discord you so desired. You will not bring death to this nation like you so desired. You will not bring death to my David as you so desired.

I will stop you! I have traps set up, and you will be caught in the act, but you will not get what you desired. You'll be brought to shame. And great embarrassment will be your name. Many of you who have this planned against this nation: I have your name, and it will be brought to shame.

What you have for My David, and what you've done, will all fall apart in front of your eyes! I allowed it to go so far, to trap you exactly where you needed to be for your fall,

because I have told you that I am the God of justice and I have seen the injustice in this land. I've seen the injustice around the nations of the world. And I am bringing back order. I said, I Am bringing back order and justice and freedom to my nations and to my children...

to this darkness that you will try to bring. The shutdowns you will try to bring. The chaos and disorder you will try to bring. The shortages you will try to bring... the blackouts that you want, and you will try to bring. None of these things will go how you want them. I have prepared the way for my children to stay.

I have prepared the way for my children and their protection, and nothing, and I mean nothing, will go the way you wanted it to go. Because my children are flowing with me, they are in me, they are receiving my glory, they are receiving my words, they are receiving my power, they are receiving my strength, they are receiving my authority, and they are pushing back the gates of hell,

and they are destroying your plans with their words that I have given to them and I have told them to speak these words. I am moving my hand and soon, my children, you will see me move in a greater way. I've never moved this way!

No, not this way!

You will see me deliver you! You will see me

bring life back into your nations! Bring life back into your families! Bring life back into your children! Bring life back into your finances! Bring life back into the education systems! Bring life back into the entertainment system! I'm bringing life to seven mountains of influence; because my children dare to take them back from me!

Come alive, children of almighty God! Let my glory flow through you in a greater measure. Set aside those feelings. Set aside those hurts and pains and shame. Set aside those things and let me in. Let me fill you full to overflowing. Let my light shine through you in a greater way, because my light is going to destroy all of the darkness that you are about to see. Believe me, they will not have their way. Believe me that I sit in the heavens and I laugh. So my children, shout down the walls of your enemies. Shout down their plans. Shout down their purpose. Shout down all the things that they wanted to do. Don't be afraid of today.

I said, don't be afraid of today!

You speak my words and nothing they do will prosper against you, sayeth the Lord.<<<

Wow.... I knew he had something, and you never know. He might have something else. But what he's talking about today is, is there's so many people that are in fear of today and he just said that. Don't be a fear. Don't be in fear. That's exactly what the enemies want. Don't be in fear. No matter what they say or no matter what they do.

Don't be in fear... use the word of God against it because the first thing your enemy wants to do is he wants something said he wants something done. So, your reaction is fear - like what's happening to our rightful president - in all the court cases and all the chaos they're trying to bring - all the distress and the division.

They are trying to break him. What do we do? We don't get into fear about it... We start saying that nothing that is going to happen to him. They will not have their way. It's blowing up in their face. People are running more toward him than running away. The opposite always takes place especially when it's when it's for God. So what we have to do is they're trying to destroy our nation.

We're saying our nation is coming alive! They're trying to bring a great discord. They're trying to bring great division. What do we say? God's bringing a uniting. God's uniting us. God is bringing us as one. There's people out there trying to divide. Don't get mad. Pray, pray, pray that they know the will of God!

Pray that they know that they want God and his body to be one with him.

Our enemy tries to get us distracted all the time with feelings, with, you know, being offended with hurts and pains. And what do we do? We have to set aside our feelings, and sometimes as humans, that's very hard to do. But God has given us the ability to do that. And right now, we are in a very, very, very pivotal time.

A time of great change. A time where things are going to look the opposite of what we've been praying. And this is a time where you and I, God has called us to battle. But we are destined to win. We are. He's called us. There was something he gave me and I've already pre-recorded this for next week, but he wants me to bring this up too. Here this morning.... This is what he gave me right before I got on to do a pre-record the other day, and it was yesterday morning and he says,

"No more playing church! No more playing games. No more living life The way you want, but it's time to live like children of the most high God on assignment soldiers in the army of the Lord that are deployed in this world to take it back."

We are soldiers in the army of the Lord. We're on assignment and he even said that we are deployed to take this earth back.

War is never easy. It's not... we've been in a war; we didn't even know.... We had our country being stolen from us before we even knew. We've had our freedoms being taken away and it looked like it was just "law". We even know it was unjustifiable what they were doing. There's been so many things that they have done. God is opening the books... He's revealing to us all of these things that the enemies had planned all the things that they were doing He's saying look you are soldiers.

You are deployed and you are here on assignment to take it back. He's telling us right now to take back our nation. Say, Julie, how do we do that? We do it with our words. We do it with prayer. We do it with standing. We don't speak the words of fear that our enemies want. We don't speak and say and, and do and react how the enemies want us to speak, do, and react.

We cannot act that way anymore. We cannot respond to what they are wanting us to, how they want us to respond. We can't do those things anymore. We have to come up to another level in God. We have to.... He keeps talking about that with us in our prayer time as a team, we're, we're going to another level, a different level and we'll say, okay, Lord, I don't know what that level is, but we're going to do it.

I don't know what you want us to do, but whatever you want us to do, we're going to do it. Listen, this is a time right now, right now where we can't be distracted. This is the time right now that they are trying to bring down our nation. One of the things that he gave me, and I just pre-recorded that... they have a final kill shot to this country and they are about to try it. What do we do panic? What do we do get in fear? Will we just throw our hands in there and say what we can do? No, we start saying, Lord, this is our nation. This is one nation under God. We will not back off! We will not quit! We will not give in! We will not let the enemy take our country!

They don't have a right to take our country. Blood has been shed for the freedom in this country. This country was the only country in the whole entire world that was founded to be able to serve God freely. God doesn't forget that. We are one nation under God, not under the globalists. We are one nation under God, not under the Biden administration, or so called... Obama, really.

We are not one nation under these people. We're not enslaved to these people. They don't have that kind of power over us. It even says that in our Constitution, we should know this! The problem is, and we should know as children of the Most High God, that we're not enslaved to the world. We have to abide by laws, certain ones.

The ones that actually God had put in, in here, not the ones that these people are trying to, to twist and, and to turn it into so, so much wickedness that we just fall and say, okay, well, that's what we're supposed to do. No, it's not. We're supposed to rise up right now. We are on assignment. We're deployed in the army of the Lord.

God has called us to battle. God has called us... and he said, look, it's a call to arms. We are in that where it's like this war cry right now. To get up, it's a war cry right now to start praying, to start interceding, to start saying right now, Father God, we're calling life into our nation. We're calling life into this generation that these evil people are trying to steal with all this, they don't even know what gender they are.

That it's so evil and so wicked that it's so much confusion. Who's the author of confusion? It's Satan. He's the author of confusion. He's trying to tear apart our churches; so one denomination is against another denomination; "well, we don't believe in that." Well, we believe in that and they fight amongst themselves I've even seen it all over the United States I've seen I've seen all of this kind of stuff and I threw my hands in the air, and I said, "Lord, we're just a hot mess!" and He says, "No, no we're not. No, you're not. No, you are united, not divided."

Remember, God calls those things as on as though they already are. So what are we supposed to do? How are we supposed to take our nation back? We're supposed to call it. We're supposed to call it back. We're supposed to call it, that this nation right now is one nation under God no matter where you live.

No matter where you live. I, I, I know there's so many people that watch all over the world. And I'm saying this for you too. You can say that your nation is a nation that's coming alive in God, it's a nation that's coming alive in Jesus Christ, a nation that's coming alive. If you guys did not watch Artur yesterday, Pawlowski and his wife, oh my gosh, go and watch that!

What that man has endured, the hell that Canada and all the government put him through, his inspiring story of what God has done in his life, in the fight, and no matter what they try to bribe him with, he wouldn't give into it. He's such an inspiration to me and the inspiration to so many no matter what kind of persecution and no matter what kind of people are trying to come against you, you keep your focus on God, that firm focussed foundation on the Father. If we don't fight now, our country would die. If we don't stand up no matter how hard it is to stand up... No matter how we we've all fallen we've all gotten, you know, just worn out and you don't want to fight anymore.

You're just like God I just I'm tired of fighting and he's saying that's exactly what your enemies want you to do. They want to wear you out, but God is the one who strengthens you. He's the one who brings you out. Look what he did to Artur. He brought him out. Pastor Artur, he brought him out of that prison cell, which he said he was going to do.

He brought him out and he says you're not going back in and he didn't! What a testament that is The glory of God and God's plans and God's will no matter if you won't bow, God will honor you. No matter how hard it may seem God will never fail. And so if you're not watching, go and watch it and share that out, because it was such an inspiration to so many people.

Our country, this is what they want our country, the United States of America, to turn into something like that, because they want every country to look the same. They want to have a globalist agenda worldwide. And so all of us are just sheep that follow them that just do whatever we're just told to do.... And God is saying, "No, wake up! Wake up from that deception! Wake up from that sleep that they've had you in, and start fighting the good fight of faith!" ...because God will never leave us nor forsake us! ...and if you guys have just tuned in, the Lord had given a prophetic word in the middle of this broadcast towards the beginning.

Go watch it.... Go go watch it again when this is over. This is a very important time right now! I can feel it. From this moment forward, I can feel a shift. But it's a shift in the right direction! No matter what's going on in your life, there is a shift taking place. There is something that we're going to start seeing, God of the breakthrough!

The God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. We're going to start seeing him show up on our behalf. We're going to start seeing more miracles, signs, and wonders. We're going to start seeing justice being served once again.We're going to start seeing truth destroy every lie. We're going to start seeing and feeling the chains coming off that we have endured and we have been in, in such a bondage that we had no idea that we were even in. We're supposed to come alive on the inside of us,

and I just keep hearing that, "Come alive! Come alive unto God! Come alive and realize the glory that God has! The life that he has! The freedom that he has! The joy that he has! The peace that he has! The grace that he has! The goodness that he has! It's all about him!" And that's why I'm telling you, there are, there are people right now that are gonna turn away from him. They're gonna get offended and they're gonna believe the enemy. And I'm talking people in the church.

You remember when Jesus was on the earth? The religious leaders didn't see him. He was right there,

but they believed more in their law. They believed more in their doctrine. They trusted in their doctrine and their belief. They were so blind they couldn't see Jesus in front of them.

They didn't hear the words of truth that could have set them free. It's happening now.

No matter what happens today, no matter what the enemy had planned today, you remember who's in control. You remember who's bigger. You remember who's in you. Am I gonna go hide my phone? I don't know. Do I care what's gonna happen? Not really. Have I prayed against it? Yes. No weapon formed against us shall prosper no matter what they try to do with our electronics.

You place your hand on your phone, the hand on your whatever. I, I mean, I have computers and screens and stuff everywhere in front of me. No weapon formed against me shall prosper! I thank you, father God, no matter what the enemy had planned. I praise and thank you. It's not gonna harm me whatsoever because I plead the blood of Jesus over the top of my head of the soles of my feet.

I thank you, Jesus, that the enemy cannot cross that bloodline. I am protected by the blood of Jesus Christ. I'm protected by the name of Jesus Christ. That name that's above every name. That name that every knee must bow to that name. Remember who you are! You are deployed in the army of the Lord! You are a soldier and you have the person in control of this military.

He's the Creator of heaven and earth. There's no one bigger than Him. There's nothing and no one! And that's who you have to look to you have to look to our Father. You have to look to Him and say, "Lord, what do you want for me to do today? What do you have for me to do?" ...and I want to read a few scriptures about the how God scatters the enemy Because right now that's what we need.

That's what we need to start praying, because no matter what they're doing today, or any day after today, the thing that you have to remember is you have to put the word of God on it because the word of God is a sort of the spirit. It's the weapon. So how do we fight in this war? God said, we're soldiers in the army of the Lord.

We're in military, we're in battle right now. We're in a spiritual battle. He said, we're deployed in this earth, so one of our weapons, we have to know how to use it. We know how to use the word of God is you speak the word of God. You get into the word, you find out what the word says and you speak it.

That's a weapon. God is training you right now. We've been trained for the last couple years, or however long. I know. I've only been doing this for a couple years on screen. I mean, I've been preaching for 14. 13 or 14 years before I even got on here, but God has been preparing his body for a very very long time. Before we even knew we were being trained, we were being trained for this time, for such a time as this, you have been being trained, you have been given the word of God, you've been given all these, all the encouragement, all the marching orders, you've been given the things to say, you've been given the truth and revelation of who you are in Christ Jesus, and how God sees you, and how you are supposed to be.

And with authority and power and dominion in this earth, God is showing you something that a lot of you didn't even know that was even true or didn't even exist, that God's people have authority and power and dominion in this earth. Because religiousness won't teach you that

because Satan isn't part of religion. He twists and manipulates and deceives the word of God. So he takes the word of God and then he twists it into believing something else. That's exactly what he did in the Garden of Eden. That's what he has been doing. So, I want to read something. Go to Psalm 55.

Psalm 55

in verse 22. Psalm 55 in verse 22. This is the classic Amplified [AMPC]. Cast your burden on the Lord, releasing the weight of it. And he will sustain you he will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved, to made to slip, to fall or fail. I wanted you guys to know that listen cast your burden on the lord Releasing the weight of it.

He will sustain you. He will never allow the consistently righteous to be moved, made to slip, fall or fail. So right now, when the enemy wants us to fall, when they want us to fail, when they want us to slip, when they want us to give in, when they want us to quit, when they want us to get overwhelmed with everything, God says, no, I'm going to sustain you.

Give those burdens to God. You can even find that in 1 Peter chapter 5 and verse 6 and 7.

And then you can read on to verse 8 and you can read on to verse 9. Go read 1 Peter, and well, he might have me read it. All right. Now I want you to go to Psalm 55 or 56 Psalm 56 in verse 4 Psalm 56 in verse 4

By the help of God, I will praise his words. On God I lean rely and confidently put my trust I will not fear, what can man who is flesh do to me? This is what we have to remind ourselves. When you have people that are out of control, you have tyrannical governments, you have injustice, you have people tearing our laws and freedoms apart, left and right, and you don't know what to do.

You don't know how to handle it, you don't know where to go. God is saying, look, look here. By the help of God, I'll praise his word. On God I lean, rely, and confidently put my trust. I will not fear what can man, who is flesh, do to me. What can man do to us if God is for us, God is with us, God sustains us, God helps us, He lifts us up.

He doesn't, He doesn't, if we fall down, He's going to pick us back up.

That's why Micah chapter 7 verse 8 says, Rejoice not against me, O my enemy, for when I fall, I shall arise. God is our light in the midst of darkness. He destroys it. Deuteronomy 28:7... I've been reading this one a lot because it's important for us to know When you have people like this that are out against us hard,

and they're putting you know, weight after weight after weight and problem after problem.... We have to to know what God's gonna do about it Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse 7 The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before your face. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways.

God scatters the enemy. I'm going to read that again. Deuteronomy 28:7, the Lord shall cause your enemies to rise up against you to be defeated before your face. They shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. Here's another one.

Psalm 107

or a, hold on a minute, it might be Psalm 105, hold on a minute

is I'm trying to figure out which one I want. Yeah, 107 verse 2. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he has delivered from the hand of the adversary. God will deliver us out of the hand of the adversary. Here's another good one. Psalm 105 verse 24.

There the Lord greatly increased his people and made them stronger than their oppressors. So right now, the enemy is trying to make you weak. Right now, the enemy is trying to destroy you, tear you apart, make you so hopeless. Where you won't even look for hope anymore. And there are so many people out there that have so much hopelessness in them.

And God is our hope. He's making us stronger than our oppressors.... Our oppressors; again, they're trying to make us weak, but God said, let the weak say, I am strong. Let the poor say, I am rich. We're supposed to say and do the opposite of what the enemy wants us to say and do.

So right now we'll say we are completely free. In 2023, say it. I am completely free in 2023. Keep saying my country is free. Keep saying my children are free. Keep saying it. What if it doesn't look any different? I don't care. Keep saying it. Just keep saying it. I am completely free in 2023. I am free from all the chains.

I'm free from all the shackles, I'm free from that all that oppression. I'm free from that depression. I'm free from that heaviness. I'm free from that weight, I am free from that fear. I am free from that unworthiness. I am free from that... whatever it is, if it's poverty if it's lack, if it's debt, no matter what it is.

I am free from it all! I am free from everything the enemy has done against me. I am free! Whom the Son sets free is free indeed. Let the look what says here.... I'm gonna go back to Psalm 107 verse 2. Let the redeemed of the Lord say so. We're redeemed. We're supposed to say so.

I have to go back and, and listen to that word again that the Lord just gave us at the beginning of, of the, of the broadcast. And I'm telling you, the whole uniting thing with me is just, it resonates with me. I know our prayer team, that's one of the things that The Lord keeps telling us to pray about is that we have unity in the body of Christ, but we also have unity in this nation.

We have unity in the body of Christ, whether they're, you know, around the world or they're in this country, but we have unity in this country. This country is what the enemies want to bring in their one world government. It's the last piece. It will, this country and Israel, that's why they hate them so much as whether after them so much.

That's why we keep, we're supposed to keep praying for Israel. Keep praying for the peace of Jerusalem. We are on assignment right now. God said that. Here it is again... I'm gonna read... I'm gonna read it again. "No more playing church. No more playing games. No more living the lives the way you want, but it's time to live like children of the Most High God, on assignment;

soldiers in the army of the Lord that are deployed in this world to take it back. We are deployed. We are in the army. We are heavy, heavy armed soldiers in the army of the Lord. He's given us weapons. He's given us protection. God is our protector. If you guys missed that live show that I did on Monday. It talked about the Lord is our shepherd and in he literally had me break down Every one of those scriptures and then have me go through of what those meant and how God really truly is we have to know that because when he said there's a time of silence, which is coming and we may not have internet, we may not have a phone. I mean, I don't know what a "great silence" is, but that's what it seems like to me. But if we don't have those things.then what do we have if we can't be together in the morning?

If we can't be together, then what do we do? We pray to God. He will always be there. He doesn't leave us. He doesn't forsake us

This is why we have to we have to be together in unity. We have to start praying for our country and stop and never, never, ever give up on it. Never quit on it. Never get to the point where the enemy wants you to say the wrong thing about it. They want you to say that everything's falling apart. They want you to say that this country is dead.

They want you to say that there's no hope. They want you to say that, you know, the, the, the deep state and they're just going to keep getting what they want and they keep getting away with everything. That's what the enemy keeps wanting you to say. He keeps wanting you to do that. He keeps wanting you to believe that.

And God is saying, don't keep saying those things. Don't keep believing those things you say and you do what God needs you to say and what God needs you to do. That's the whole reason why we are doing this every morning, there's so many people, so many dear friends of mine, that we are all out here in the morning and we're doing things and we're praying for people and we're giving the word of God and we're giving scriptures and, and we're, and we're, there's, there's events everywhere, all over the United States all the time.

Of just spreading the gospel of truth to get people. Listen, if we don't wake up now, then what do we have? If we don't fight now, what do we have? If we don't fight, who's going to fight for our kids? Who's going to fight for our grandkids? Who's going to fight? And some people say, well, Julie, I don't have that power.

I don't, I don't have that in me. Yes, you do. Because God has put that in you. God has put the fight in you. God has put strength in you. God has put that. He said, I'm going to sustain you. That's what he does. That's the God. He is The Greater One. He lives in you. And so all you have to do is you have to learn to tap into that power, that resurrection power that sustains you.

That resurrection power that will bring you up and over all the things that the enemy is trying to do against you. You are a world overcomer, whether you realize it or not. You're a world overcomer because God has created the world. He's put you in it He said you are deployed in this upon this earth to take it back to take it back Did he get what to take it back for his kingdom to take it back for Jesus and what Jesus has done.

We're here to take it back. We're not being we're not sheep being led to slaughter anymore. We're being sheep that are being led by the shepherd, which is the true shepherd, which is Jesus Christ. And when we know the truth, the truth sets us free, why do you think, like what they did with Artur, Pastor Artur Pawlowski in Canada, they were trying to imprison him with his words.

Why? Because those words, they were petrified. They were afraid of those words. Why do you think they silenced so many people on social media all over the place? Why do you think so many of us have been silenced on YouTube and other platforms? Because words, they know words are bringing freedom, words are bringing enlightenment, words are waking people up, and they're petrified of these words, they're petrified of the truth of Almighty God that he's pouring out, because they don't have anything to combat that truth.

They don't have anything, any power that's greater than that truth. And so that's why it's important for us to pray together. That's why it's important for us to stand together. That's why it's important to not be divided and to be united. That's why it's important for us to know the will of the Father.

To get in His word. I tell people every day, Don't take my word for it, get in the word and see what He says. Write these scriptures down. See what He's saying to you. He's gonna reveal things to you because this word is inexhaustible. No matter how many times you read a scripture, God's gonna bring revelation in that scripture.

It's gonna bring revelation to you. There are stories I've heard all my life as a child. And all of a sudden, and something is going on in my life, and all of a sudden he'll bring back that story, and he'll go read those scriptures, and then he'll put it into my life, and I'm like... Well, I never saw it that way.

God is when you spend time with him like that. It's like no other. It's like nothing else you can explain. I love spending time with God. I just love spending time with God and God wants to spend time with you and he wants you to know him. He wants you to be bold and stand and be able to be to say, I'm going to go to your throne Lord.

I don't care what anything that's gone on in my life. I thank you. I think that I can come boldly to your throne. That's the whole point of we need to pray and to have fellowship with God to know who he is Fellowship again prayer is fellowshipping. It's talking with him. It's ... He just wants to have a relationship with you He wants you to know him prayer is so powerful.

It destroys the enemy right now praise destroys enemy right now And that's what God wants us to do And as I close today, I'm gonna bring on one of my dear friends and I know he's got a he's got a great ministry with prayer I'm gonna bring him on. I know a lot of you guys will probably recognize him Here we go.

Hi, Marty. Good morning, Julie Green! The Lord has just been awesome this morning and he gave a prohpetic word. Julie, I've been listening to your preaching, but I'm wondering like how early in the morning do I got to get up to hear you like three in the morning? Well, I do get up pretty early in the morning to hear the Lord, but.

I brought you on because we were talking about what's going to happen at so we're going to be at the Reawaken Tour next week. And we're gonna have a special night, Thursday night, but also I think the Lord has you not on just to mention what's going to happen in Miami, but I have a feeling he wants us to pray together, Marty, pray together for the people.

So I really feel like. We need to pray together for them. But first we're going to announce, I want Marty to announce we have a special night planned for Thursday night at the Reawaken America Tour. Go ahead, Marty. Do you have that video available? Yes, I do. Let me, will you talk to them? Yes, I will.

Because I don't have that on my screen yet... I'll give you a little bit of a background. I've been with Clay Clark and the Reawaken from the very beginning. And I've been with Clay for many years, even before he came to Jesus and everything. So it's been this beautiful seeing Clay bring the Reawaken and joining with General Flynn and now with the Trumps and turning this...

And so the Lord, I had an encounter. My wife and I had an encounter with the Lord about. Oh quite a few months ago, and the Lord just filled the room up and I asked him, Lord, what is the Reawaken? And he said, these words, it's not the Great Harvest. It's a precursor to it. It's a kickstart. It's lighting a match to help.

There's a lot of matches going to be lit a lot of help coming from all different ways to launch the Great Harvest that's soon coming up on us. And this is a really big part of it because you have the Christians and the. Patriots and the conservatives coming together in this beautiful family, this beautiful unity.

So if you've never been to a Reawaken, you really, really should come. It is absolutely glorious. The presence of God is tangible. It's really powerful. And so, but Clay has allowed Julie and I and Amanda and some others we're coming together the night before at a mini, many of these Reawakens, we're coming together and we're having a night of prayer and Clay asked me to head it up.

So we're calling it Loud Mouth Prayer Nation, because my wife and I, Jenny and I, our call is to cover the nation with how to pray. And so if you ever watch our shows, you can see, we do that quite a bit. So we're inviting Julie and some friends. We're all coming together October the 12th. Now, if you go to, when you pull up the screen right in the middle, you'll see the Miami Doral. You'll see that event. If you click on that, it's a free event. It doesn't cost you a dime to get in. We were looking at doing different things, but it's worked out really well with the Trump Doral.

Click on that and just to get the details. So all the details, the time who's speaking, all of that's going to be on that link, and when you click that at and we have a good video for Julie. Yeah, I, I had it opened up last night. I checked it out and everything worked and all of a sudden now it's, it's not working for me.

Oh, okay. I, I, I'm, I'm trying, I'm clicking on this link and it's not opening up the right page. Oh, that's funny. Like it did last night. It's, I'm telling you, it's an awesome 30 minute clip or a 30 second clip. I loved it and I thought it was powerful and I'm trying to get it to work. Can she send that to me?

Maybe. Please. Can you guys send it to me again really quick? Okay. Let me see about that. It, it, link is just not working. It won't, it's opening up this really weird thing and I don't know what it is. So it worked on my phone, but it's not working on my computer. Okay. So I'm going to forward it to you again.

It's opening up to this really weird, I don't know, we transfer file thing. Okay. Sorry about that guys, but it is a powerful video. So just hold on with us. Oh, I just sent that. I think it has the link in it. Okay. Let me go back and I will go again. Technical things. This is the reason why I'm telling you I'm praying for a producer right now.

So there's a thousand buttons to push every time we do a show. It's always fun. Thank See, it's opening this up to a really weird thing that's not showing me the video. Yeah. I don't, I don't know. It, it's not giving me the video that it sent me last night. So I don't know. I see the thumbnail for it, but it's not letting me open the video.

So I apologize guys. Once I will, okay. I'm going to send it to my husband. He's going to put it in the chat for me. So I apologize for that guys. So that's just October the 12th. If you're coming to the Reawaken, just to reiterate about the tickets, if you're coming to the Reawaken you can come to the Reawaken, you get your tickets for that.

Clay basically says, name your own price, which is a blessing. So if you're going to come to the Reawaken, you can come to that. This is not in the same room. This is a little bit of a separate event. So you do not have to have tickets to the Reawaken. But if you're going to come to our event the night before and pray, why not go ahead and join us for two days at the Reawaken, but you don't have to have tickets to the Reawaken and you can come to this event.

Now it starts literally at six o'clock at night. So you want to get there early. October the 12th at the Trump international is the Trump National Doral, Miami. So it starts at six o'clock for one hour with Jackson Lahmeyer, he, and probably General Flynn, maybe Roger Stone. They're going to do the Pastors for Trump.

And then at seven o'clock, Julie and our friends and I, we're going to start praying for this great nation. See, I opened it on my phone and it worked perfectly fine. You can hold your phone up. No, I can hold my phone up to it, but it just, I'm like, what is it doing? Why won't it work? Let's see here. See if it gets, there we go.

So let me see if I, if I can do this here, I'm going to, I'm going to try to share my phone.

That is good.

Do do do, but do you have a little background music? Pray for the nation. I love that. I just love it. So anyway, join us on Thursday night and can you tell them where it was? Yes, at the Trump National Doral, Miami in Miami, Florida starts at six o'clock for one hour with the Pastors for Trump. And then we're going to start at seven o'clock, Julie and I, and our friends, we're going to start praying for this nation.

Yes. And did you tell him what room it's in? Yes. It is in the "Ivanka Trump B". So there's all probably the whole place is named with different family members, but this is "Ivanka Trump B". I guess she's good enough to have more than one room. So this is, I'm sure it's just a large room. They got it sectioned off.

And so "Ivanka Trump B". Okay. So this is where we're going to be at on Thursday night... in Miami. Again, we're going to, we're going to pray a nice, again, I don't know what was going on with the whole video thing. So good preaching by the way, good, good preaching by the way today, God had me on, he had me on it this morning.

I tried to go in one way and. He changed me to turn me to the next way and I'm, I'm glad he did. I really am glad I'm blessed by that when he does that. So, well, I can tell you what I have in my heart real quickly. So back in December, the Lord spoke to me and said, I want you to do a series called 30 days to pray, to help my people learn how to find my plan for their life and my purpose for their life to get them into place so that I could use them for the great harvest coming. So let's, we could pray that today. That would seem good with you. That we just pray that everyone, that the Lord speaks to them, leads them, guides them, opens the word for them. Angels show up. Holy spirit speaks to them. Just gets them in line with God's beautiful, wonderful plan and purpose. Remember there's two of those. The motive is the purpose. You have the plan, what he wants you to do, and the purpose, that motive is why he wants you to do it. And when you read Ephesians 1, it says, I pray that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that the eyes of your understanding being enlightened, that you know, what's the hope of his calling that there in Ephesians 1, that's the purpose of what he wants you to do, that you will know what he hopes to accomplish by the plan He's put upon your life. He puts it inside you. The plan of God is not something you got to go look all over and find when you got born again, it was written inside you with the very blood of Jesus, the very DNA of the spirit of God. It's been put in you, but you got to pray it out. Anything in you, you've got to pray it out.

So let's pray for these guys. Yes. And I also want to pray for unity too. So I'll let you pray that and we're going to pray for unity because unity is on the heart of God right now. So for for bringing them into what you were, all the things that you were just saying, I want you to, I really want you to pray that out for them. Yeah. So father, I just thank you in the precious name of Jesus for all of our family members, all of our wonderful people, all the people of God that are watching today. Father, we come before you humbly, humbly, humbly.

We come before you. Now you guys hook up with this. Don't make this something to watch. You make this something you connect with. You join with us. Father, I just thank you, because our hearts are knit together now and the, by the Holy Spirit, where there's one Lord, one spirit, one word, father, I just thank you right now that you begin to reveal your plan to each and every listener that your purpose will be made known unto them that you will reveal it as they're spending time in your precious word. It just pops up at them that they have this air of expectancy, this, this breeding ground of the miraculous word of God, revealing to them. What you want them to do, getting them in the divine placement that you speak of, there is things to do, and there's a divine place to do it in so father that by your own hand, you will set up on them and you will maneuver them and move them and adjust them and realign them and get them in the placement, the divine placement of usability so that your hand will be able to not just be up on them, But be able to work to them and through them in the precious name of Jesus.

And that the great harvest has a roll call. Ha ha ha. [ speaks in toungs ] ha ha. The great harvest has a roll call and the roll call is now calling out the names of those that have assignments, divine assignments are given out to this day. [ speaks in toungs ] So father, I thank you that the roll call, ha, just like when you show up in school and the teacher starts calling off and you say here, here, here, well, it's time for you to say, I'm here, I'm here.

I'm in a place of usability. Use me, use me, use me. And I hear the Lord say, as you show yourself usable unto him. The plan and the purpose, the divine reason for you being in this earth in this hour will be made known unto you. Oh, and your heart will be flooded with joy and you'll have a spring in your step and you will embrace that grace.

You will run the race. You will embrace what he's called you to do and the anointing and the power and the virtue will meet you right there. There says the Lord. Hallelujah. So Lord, we thank you. Show 'em, show 'em, show 'em what to do. Show 'em where to be. Show 'em, haha, ikia, show 'em where to sow. So show 'em where to go.

Some need to sow, some need to sow, to start things going, some need to go. So father, we thank you for that, in the precious name of Jesus. Hallelujah!... And Heavenly Father right now... We, Marty and I along with all these viewers right now that are watching We are praying for unity right now in the body of christ And we command you satan right now to get your hands off of God's property Get your hands off the body of christ right now in jesus name You get your hands off of our countries in the name of Jesus Christ You get your hands off of our governments right now in the name of Jesus Christ You get your hands off of our freedoms right now in the name of Jesus Christ You get your hands right off right now the rightful president in the name of Jesus Christ We command by the blood of jesus that there is resurrection power that is growing father God in the body of christ To bring this unity in the name of Jesus, to bring back the power and the authority in your name, that the enemies know that lives on the inside of us, that they have tried to suppress.

But I thank you, Father God, no more suppression, no more of them pounding us down on the ground and that we just lay down. I thank you, Father God, that you are getting us up, getting us up. Getting us up. Rise up. Rise up. Rise up, children of Almighty God. Rise up, I say in Jesus' name. Rise up, children of Almighty God.

Today is the day. Today is the day to move forward. Today is the day to go forward. Today is the day of releasing of my glory in greater measure. Receive my glory, receive my presence, receive my plan, receive my purpose, receive my goodness, receive my love, sayeth the Lord, receive what I have in store for you, receive your assignments, fulfill the calling that you have on your life today, refill, refill, refill in my name, refill in my love, refill in my word.

A refilling, a refilling, a refreshing, a refreshing is going forth, going forth, going forth this day. Receive my way. Receive my way. Receive this day, my glory. Sayeth the Lord. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Wow! Wow! Praise God! Praise the Lord!

So again, we're going to be together again in a little over a week and I am so excited and any of you who are, you know, if you haven't gotten tickets yet or if you really truly want to go, I'm telling you, it is.

Definitely. It's an experience to be there. And yeah, people are, they're surprised at how much God's there. It's really amazing because they're thinking, Oh, I'm going to a political event. Well, guess who's in politics? Uh... God ! God... No matter what the enemy says that, you know, God's not in politics. Yes, he is.

Well, we've taken him out. They've taken him out. Now we're putting him back in. So I want to thank each and every one of you for joining today's live show. And thank you for joining, for joining me, Marty. So, early in the morning God bless each and every one of you and I will see you again tomorrow morning at 6:30 central time and oh, I'll also be on with pastor Dave today at 11 o'clock central time with His Glory and Take Five.

So I will see you here in a few hours. So God bless you. We love you. And God loves you. Obviously first God bless you. We love you and have a wonderful day!

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COPYRIGHT 2023 Julie Green Ministries International
2 Corinthians 5:7
Isaiah 54:17
Philippians 2:10-11
Psalm 55:22
1 Peter 5:6-9
Psalm 56:4
Deuteronomy 28:7
Psalm 107:2
Psalm 105:24
Joel 3:10
John 8:32

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