Pascagoula Alien Abduction Case

1 year ago

NCAPP UFO Group Interview 1. Phillip Mantle and Dr. Irena Scott discuss the 1973 Pascagoula Alien Abduction case.

Charles Hickson and Calvin Parker were taken aboard an ET ship while fishing. They were questioned by police and Dr James Harder and Hynek interviewed the witnesses. The Aerial Phenomena Research Organization (APRO), sent University of California professor James Harder to investigate and Dr. J. Allen Hynek, representing the US Air Force, interviewed Hickson and Parker together. Harder hypnotized Hickson, but he became so frightened that the session had to be aborted. Both men passed a polygraph test. Over 50 UFO sightings were reported that night. Budd Hopkins later hypnotized both men. Later, the Blair family is also discussed as supporting witnesses to the sighting as they were boating on the opposite side of the river. Mrs. Blair witnessed a being come out of the water and had several hours of missing time. Mr. Blair confessed on his deathbed what he witnessed and revealed some startling details.

Phillip Mantle

Dr. Irena Scott

Their book on the case: BEYOND REASONABLE DOUBT: The Pascagoula Alien Abduction.

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