(7) Temporal Game Theory

11 months ago

[Chapter 7: Temporal Game Theory]

Temporal Game Theory: How do you win a war against someone who knows the future? The following are some battle tactics.

(1) Determine how far into the future they can look. Use “honey traps” and counterintelligence plants to determine what information they are obtaining and when they obtain it. Use method acting for the counterintelligence plants so that the information the opponent obtains from violating your privacy and 4th amendment rights makes the opponent look schizophrenic. Always be aware of what information is supposed to be either public information or private information. Only use method acting and counterintelligence plants in private information so that the opponent is at fault for violating your privacy and accessing your private information. Expect that your opponent has you under complete surveillance. Every mirror acts like a one-way mirror with a surveillance camera behind it. There is a backdoor into every electronic device. Every camera and speaker on your internet connected devices is constantly recording. Every room, vehicle, and article of clothing has been bugged. The bathroom stall or bathtub is the only place with some semblance of real privacy because they cannot share the information they record with anyone or they will seem like perverts. Everything that is supposed to be private is not really private. All of your passwords are compromised. A good hiding place is better than a password protected safe. It is the sword you don’t see that strikes you down. Sometimes the best place to hide is right out in public. A temporal reception device can be used to crack any password using a brute force method involving a feedback time loop. A list is made of all possible passwords. The person is given instructions to always test the next password on the list. Each password is tested in the potential future and crossed off the list. The next password on the list is sent back to the present from the potential future. This repeats itself in a temporal feedback loop until the correct password is found in the potential future and sent back to the present. This allows a person to crack any passwords in the present on the “first try”. This process can be combined with a 3D printer or “key maker” to open any lock on the “first try”. If you are going to use a key or password to protect something important, always make it so that the combinations are hard to arrange in a linear fashion to make it more difficult to automate the brute force temporal feedback loop method.
(2) Conceal your plans in figurative language so that the opponent second guesses himself or herself. Also use pictures rather than typed text to make it harder for an artificial intelligence algorithm to search through your information.

(3) Delete selected parts of your information before the future has a chance to relay it to the past. You can also replace deleted information with misleading information or condemning evidence against your opponent quantum erasure style. Make it so that the opponent’s “intelligence” of the future is actually “counterintelligence”, which makes “knowing” the future actually a liability rather than an asset.

(4) Try to access the information of the opponent to have them influence you in some way creating a feedback loop so that their information from the potential future is either obsolete, a self-fulfilling prophecy, or a self-defeating prophecy.

(5) Set traps where you know the opponent will act with a preemptively. Be prepared with contingency plans and counterattack once the opponent has influenced you in some way and created a feedback loop, so their information of the future is either obsolete, a self-fulfilling prophecy, or a self-defeating prophecy.

(6) Never initiate a war or strike against someone pre-emptively. All actions must be initiated reactively. If both sides can see the future and both sides have a preemptive strike in their procedures it will create a feedback loop that will not only initiate war as a self-fulfilling prophecy but will also escalate the war as a self-fulfilling prophecy. Always be prepared to participate in war reactively, so that the opponent knows they will lose the war if they initiate it and they know that you will not initiate a pre-emptive strike against them. This will ensure that the opponent’s intention to initiate a war against you becomes a self-defeating prophecy.

(7) The right thing to do in the short term is the right thing to do in the long term. Do not do the wrong thing and rationalize it by saying that the end justifies the means. The end is not the end. The end is the beginning of side effects that will backfire on you in the long term. The opponent will take advantage of your mistake of doing the wrong thing and will make it so that it gives you a temporary advantage as a gambit that will lead to your destruction in the long term. The right thing to do is to receive the Holy Spirit as your counselor who will give you guidance on what the right thing to do in the short term is. The Holy Spirit has knowledge of the future and will help you do the right thing in the short term.

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