11 months ago

The Dangers of Psychiatric Drugs

Meet Dr. Rima Laibow, a unique psychiatrist who has chosen a drug-free approach in her practice.

Dr. Laibow graduated from Albert Einstein College of Medicine in 1970 and decided to become a psychiatrist.

She was fascinated by understanding human behavior at the neurological, physiological, emotional, and psychological level.

As the field of psychopharmacology was emerging, Dr. Laibow raised a red flag.

She realized that every drug, including psychiatric ones, work by poisoning enzyme systems.

These side effects are not limited to the brain but affect the entire body, leading to her decision to become a drug-free psychiatrist.

Dr. Laibow focused on alternative healing methods.

She learned about nutrition detoxification frequency medicine

She believes that when consciousness is involved in the healing process, there's literally nothing that cannot be healed.

Dr. Laibow developed a reputation as a doctor who could cure the incurable.

From cancer to heart disease to neurological deficits, patients healed themselves with her assistance, using a combination of intensive nutrition, detoxification, frequency medicine, and motivated intentionality.

Her message is clear:
there is a genocidal population reduction agenda being propagated against you, against me, and against humanity

She will be able to tell you in verifiable detail of exactly how that is being carried out

through the neurological physiological emotional and psychological level.

To understand how people did what they did. How they made the choices that they did. Why they make the choices that they did, and how all that worked at the neurological physiological emotional psychological level.

In the 1970's the whole world of psychopharmacology psychiatric drugs was just opening up.

The first antidepressant, the first anti-anxiety agents, the first antipsychotics were just poking their ugly heads above ground and I said wait this doesn't make sense.

Every psychiatric drug works by poisoning enzyme systems if you like the effects you call it a benefit, if you don't you call it a side-effect.

Nature is very thrifty and she creates enzymes that appear all over the body. For instance, there is more serotonin and more serotonin receptor activity in the gut than there is in the brain, which is why our guts are so responsive to our emotions.

There are also serotonin receptors on the membrane that covers all of our bones (the periosteum) so whenever you are messing around with the enzymatic function and flow of the body, you are messing around with more than
the symptom you are attempting to suppress.

You see, I understood how dangerous pharmacology is to human beings

It is only beneficial for the pharmaceutical industry.

Doctors who can just whip out a prescription pad and suppress a symptom willy-nilly are not smart.

I had to learn about nutrition, detoxification, frequency.

If we manipulate frequency correctly we call it frequency medicine and we can heal with it . If we manipulate frequency incorrectly the military calls it a non-lethal weapons but that is a misnomer.

Frequency weapons used by the military are often lethal.

I have helped people with psychiatric diagnoses, cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease, any number of things.

They were often desperate, those who were dying, and so my reputation spread and I became known as a doctor who could cure the incurable even though I did very little.

They healed themselves, I offered the right conditions, we found the underlying cause, and then the underlying cause repaired itself.

We used Neurbio feedback from an EEG
The brain learns to regulate the system better and there is no part of the body, no part of the mind, the emotions that is not regulated from the brain fixing it.

The brain is a transducer, a mechanism, a wet machine, that is all it is. Its consciousness which resides outside the brain that uses the wet machine to transduce itself into physicality and so when consciousness is invoked/involved the healing process there is nothing that cannot be healed.

So we were seeing absolute miracles where healing took place. Impacts of intensive nutrition, detoxification and frequency medicine and neuro biofeedback is a variety of frequency medicine.

You are working with the frequencies with which the cells talk to one another in the brain which is what produces the EEG through the combined use of these techniques plus motivated intentionally which is necessary to change anything, people would become well even when they were told that they were incurable!

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a diagnostic test that measures the electrical activity of the brain using small metal discs called electrodes that are attached to the scalp The brain cells communicate with each other through electrical impulses, and these impulses are active all the time, even during sleep.

Disruptions in electrical impulses can happen causing symptoms like seizures. But why haven't doctors found the underlying cause, if the symptom is the seizure?

Because people have to learn to live with medication or the pain or whatever.

People would come to me from all impacts of life and it was very satisfying, it was rewarding in every way, and I was able to teach others what I did.

Then in 2004, I noticed a disturbing trend.

I noticed that there was a WAR being waged against us and our bodies through the method of taking away our personal freedoms.

Through the method of taking away or free choice about our health care, food choices, and our own bodies.

It became clear to me, that either you own your own body, or you are a slave, because whomever owns you in the Modern Health Care World, choices are made for us.

We must vaccinate our children, we must take certain treatments, we will have our kids taken away if we don't give them psychiatric medications or don't give them chemotherapy drugs even if the cancer is long gone.

We have lost the choice to choose clean food, as systems are in place to 'feed' us like the cattle we are to them.

There are some notably hideous cases in American jurisprudence of recent date in which we are losing autonomy over access to natural products.

One day, I said to my husband, you know we have to close our practice and he said why? I told him because we the Health Freedom Side are losing every single battle, we have no one on our side.

Everyone is either an Asian provocateur who are deliberately creating dysfunction or they are incompetent at strategic analysis.

So, what will we have, no clean food, no natural health, and they will destroy the population and our fertility by weaponizing our food on a global basis and because we know that this is happening if we elect to do nothing then we become part of evil

Yes evil, because this is all motivated by a clear well-articulated and very well developed genocidal agenda as hard to believe as it was back in 2004 lots of people understand now, that there is a genocidal depopulation agenda which I call a war against the people of Earth

By the World Health Organization, the United States government, the Council on Foreign Relations, The United Nations, and many other similar organizations have joined together in a shared vision.

A shared vision of a sustainable Planet there will be blue skies everywhere there will be clean limpid water running everywhere there will be green grass and there will be cows grazing peacefully in the distance and you and I and our children, and our children's children will no longer exist.

The End Minutemen

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