The Complete End Times Timeline Part #2-NOW THE END BEGINS-OCT 18 2023

1 year ago

With all the events breaking out across Israel and the Middle East right now, there is an renewed and very much expected interest in the events contained on the end times timeline. We have been swamped with questions, and happily so, about the timing of coming events, and so tonight we are having a special Open Forum Q&A on the end times. On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we look at the what your King James Bible has to say about events like the Pretrib Rapture of the Church, the Day of the Lord, the Second Coming, and the long-awaited 'moving in day' for our John 14 – Revelation 21 'mansions in Heaven'. Headlines in the news, as startling as they may be at times, do not drive the end times. People will accuse us and say 'you Bible believers just want war in the Middle East to speed up the Rapture', and nothing could be further from the truth. World War 3, 4 or 5 won't speed the time up by even a nanosecond. These things happen on God's timetable that is anchored in Jerusalem and revealed in the pages of the 'more sure word of prophecy'. On this episode, we answer all your questions on the timing of the, well, end times. This will be Part #2 in a series.

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