Paul McGowan - Controlled Narrative: Has the Art World Been Captured?

1 year ago

Paul McGowan has strong common sense conservative views which are simply not allowed in the art world. His willingness to share his thoughts led to him being cancelled on different occasions. He returns to Hearts of Oak for a wide ranging conversation on topics like climate change and free speech.
It all fits under the realisation that art is no longer about free thinking and opinion but about a controlled narrative driven by governments and institutions.

Paul McGowan studied art at Falmouth, Winchester and Bath school of Art. His work has often created controversy and has been regularly featured in the press all around the world.
He established himself as a fashion designer at a young age; when he was 20 he became the youngest designer to ever sell a collection to fashion house Browns, and went on to work for a variety of well-known fashion industry names, including Gianni Versace. During his formative years at Art School, he had his first exhibition in St Ives, and won the Tate Magazine Award. Since this time he has continued to develop a strong career for his distinctive - and often political - artworks, recognised locally in 2008 when he was appointed as artist in residence at the Eden Project.
His work is collected across the world and he is a serial collaborator, often producing works released under different identities.
Paul's works often provoke strong reactions. Perhaps the most unexpected was when in 2010 police in riot gear were sent to raid a central London gallery after one of the artworks - a fake bomb in the window - caused reports of a 'suspicious' device.
His current work has been exhibited extensively in the UK as well as abroad.

For more on Paul and to see his art...

Interview recorded 17.10.23

Audio Podcast version available on Podbean and all major podcast directories...

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