America Founded on Illuminati Terms

1 year ago

America founded on the basis of Illuminati.
Illuminati Headquarters of America is the Denver Airport.

Viewer discretion is highly advised.
Take a look at this mining cart inside the Denver Airport Letters of AU, AG.

Prepare Yourself.
A= 1, U= 21, A= 1, G= 7,
(21+1= 22) A=1.
AAU= 122-Illuminati found 122nd day of year.

Now in full AUAG letters to numbers is 30
G= 7-America was found on July 7th month.
May= 31 days
June= 30 days
July= 31 days

Add these up 31+30+31= 92. Take 92 divide by 3,6,9
92/3= 30.6666667. Matching AUAG=30.
Denver Airport= 6 runways,
7-America was found on July 7th month.
92/6= 15.3333333. Add it up. 27. Illuminati 5/1/1776. (5+1+1+7+7+6= 27). Match
92/9= 10.2222222- AAU= 122-Illuminati found 122nd day of year.

This wagon is telling you in a now decrypted message that the
United States of America was found based on the founding of the Illuminati.

Illuminati= Satanists
Illuminati found 122nd day of year. Satanists to #'s= 122

The blue horse Blucifer. Letters to numbers is 76.
Both America/Illuminati were found in 76. Very demon like it lights up red at night.

Illuminati 5/1/1776. This horse statue was completed February 11, 2008. 12094 weeks. Illuminati 120. Denver Airport has a plaque talking about year 2094.

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