VA Ep 4: The Mexican presidential race approaches. Shall Mexico have it's first woman president?

11 months ago

Via Adelante's Green Freedom Project is headquartered in Mexico. The MORENA Party has elected its first president, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, AMLO, who leads Mexico out of its sleepy past into a dynamic future. Not without its difficulties, it is nevertheless a “good revolution”. And now as his presidential administration comes to a close, the MORENA party that brought him to power has designated Claudia Sheinbaum as the MORENA party's Presidential candidate for the 2024 presidential election. Claudia Seinbound, the mayor of Mexico City, is a brilliant woman, an expert in climate science, will have her presidential campaign directed by the equally brilliant Tatiana Cloutier, who was instrumental in bringing AMLO to power. The woman behind the man will become the woman behind the First woman President of Mexico. These two supremely talented women promise a brilliant future for Mexico.

Via Adelante will present our Green Freedom Project to the dynamic duo for their consideration. Via Adelante hopes the Estimada Sras. Scheinbaum and Cloutier will embrace and sponsor the Green Freedom Project and with it bring prosperity to Mexico, and Mexico to its rightful place among the leading nations of the world.

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