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SN1310: Crumbling Ideologies, Great Genocides & Chaos By Any Means

Streamed on:

[Episode Article: https://factionsoffreedom.jimdofree.com/2023/10/20/sn1310-crumbling-ideologies-great-genocides-chaos-by-any-means/]

[Audio Podcast Version: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/factionsoffreedom/2023/10/19/crumbling-ideologies-great-genocides-chaos-by-any-means]

There’s no escaping these things coming upon the Earth, and that’s a startling reality for a drug-addicted dissociative generation. The crumbling reality of the worlds we’ve once known will be a stark reminder of what to never do again. Join us this week as we have a sobering discussion about the global state of affairs.

Realize that we are living through not only one of the greatest experiments in human history, but also one of the greatest travesties ever committed. If you’re reading this, you’re living through a genocide, both silent and active, and it manifests itself in many forms. The only way to survive is to navigate the tricks and traps.

We have to wake up, unify, organize and execute a greater reality than the one being foisted upon us. I don’t think unless people saw the devastation of what’s unfolding in front of them, they would be called to step up and take action. The harsh reality is that these things have to and had to happen in order for us to take everything seriously.

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