Iluminatified Art PT 2.

1 year ago

Topiaries (No Longer on Display). Topiaries 1 word. 9 characters 112 to #’s.
(112+10= 122.) Illuminati= 122nd day

The Centennial State from Space. (No Longer on Display).
27 characters. 5 words. Illuminati started in 5th month and date adds to 27.

Students Soar in "Denver Scholarship Foundation" Exhibit. (No Longer on Display).
Its 590 to #’s. 50 characters, 7 words. (590+50+7= 647).
Freemasonry started in 6th month and the Freemason compass is 47 degrees

It’s a Colorful World. The All Seeing Eye of the Illuminati. (No Longer on Display).
Inside the Orchestra (No Longer on Display). 200 to #’s 3 words. 18 characters. (200+3+18= 221. Illuminati= 122nd day.

Haunted Colorado (No Longer on Display). Hand has astrology on it.
Astrology all fake: Leviticus 19:31 Isaiah 44:25

Facing the Wind (Mustangs). (No Longer on Display).
Blucifer the Blue Mustang outside.

Colorado Toys. (No Longer on Display). 162 to #’s. 12 characters 2 words. Illuminati= 122. (12+2+162= 176). Illuminati started 5/1/76

Colorado A – Z. (No Longer on Display). Promoting Dinosaurs. (FAKE).
Dinosaurs were created by a man named Richard Owen.
No Dinosaurs were on the Arc. Dinosaurs to #’s= 120. Illuminati= 120.

Illuminati 5/1/1776. Richard Owen died 12/18/1892. Separation of 122 is contained in hours. Illuminati 122nd day. Antichrist= 121.

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