Dog rescuing!!!

1 year ago

"...The cangaroo threatened to drown the dog in the muddy water of Murray River.

In a classic conflict from Down Under, an
Australian man was forced to intervene when
an aggressive kangaroo threatened to drown
his dog in a river Saturday. Mick Moloney
was walking his dogs along their normal
route near his home in Mildura, Victoria, on
Oct. 14 when he noticed one of his dogs was
missing. They were walking along the Murray
River at the time, which forms the northern
border of the town. As Moloney looked around
on the bank for Hatchi, the dog suddenly
emerged "gargling" and "getting drowned by
this monster". A tall kangaroo with rippling
muscles stood in hip-height water in the river
and held Hatchi around the neck, threatening to
drown the dog..."

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