Rachel Maddow: Trump Wants 'MSNBC On Trial … So That He Can Execute Us'

9 months ago

The incendiary language from MSNBC host Rachel Maddow was one of the things that inspired James T. Hodgkinson’s attempted assassination of multiple congressional Republicans at a baseball practice in 2017. And on Wednesday’s edition of ABC’s The View, Maddow’s incendiary rhetoric was on full display as she suggested, without evidence, that former President Trump wanted her and her MSNBC colleagues executed.

Maddow was on The View to hawk her new book Prequel: An American Fight Against Fascism (tying the American right to parallels with the rise of European fascism) and to discuss the topics of the day, including the 2024 presidential election. According to her, if you really listened to what Trump was saying, he was pitching an America ruled by him with no elections ever again: I mean, the Republican Party right now has to make a decision and it's their decision to make. We have party processes for a reason, but ultimately if you listen to what Trump is saying; you don't sort of regard him as a spectacle but listen to what he's saying. He's basically portraying a future for America, if he is put back in the White House, in which we don't have another election after that. (…)

NewsBusters: Maddow: Trump Wants ‘MSNBC on Trial … So that He Can Execute Us’

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