most women's purpose is in their biology, ag's purpose is in her psychology

8 months ago

the main reason why people are so lost in this world
if you dunno what your purpose is you will typically go down the wrong path
i gave up cos i didn't have faith in it
i won't force myself to go
i resigned myself to being alone cos i don't have faith in being in a relationship
for some it's an activity, for others it's an undertaking
women are so easy to fuck w/, see: west civ as a whole but esp america
too easy to convince them that their purpose in this world wasn't good enough
if only that purpose was elsewhere for them
well i was an alcoholic tho so who the fuck am i to talk
i should figure this out before i destroy myself even more
nobody can explain to you that you are on the wrong path
psychology trumps biology cos your brain is how all these parts work
nowhere near as many people goin to neurologists as psychiatrists
imma get an MRI to see if my idea of my brain is the same
gonna see if i have even more wrong w/ me
medical professional/nazi
if i have a significant reason for going then i will force myself
this country is so sick cos we are bereft of that original spirit we were given as kids
what the world demands of us will never make us happy
if you understand how your brain works you really have a leg up
other people see the stigma, i don't care about it cos i want them to leave me the hell alone
if i wanna talk to people i will force myself
the crazies flock to me cos i have what they want
pissing off sheep means that i'm doin it right
if they criticize it's fine don't school em, there's no point
anything unconventional or anti-pc is gonna be regarded as insane, it's just the way of the world

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