Danielle Patterson on Art, Business, and Family - The Matt Balaker Podcast

11 months ago

Danielle Patterson exemplifies resourcefulness. She parlayed undiagnosed dyslexia and her father's job loss into a lifelong commitment to networking and learning. Balancing her love for family, art, and business, she is at the forefront of the family office industry. Hear her story.


From an early age, I often heard people say, "Danielle, you have a real talent for saving money." Little did many know, my journey held untold stories. By the time I hit 28, my husband and I found ourselves facing the daunting prospect of bankruptcy.

Let's rewind to my childhood – picture a young me orchestrating yard sales, convincing neighbors to buy odds and ends. Growing up in a bustling household with hardworking parents and three siblings, we were instilled with an unwavering creed: to understand the worth of a dollar and carve your own path.

As a resourceful Californian, I set my sights on the University of California, Santa Cruz, maneuvering to avoid the hefty expenses of out-of-state tuition. Ingenious financial moves by my dad enabled me to participate in work-study programs, ensuring student debt wouldn't shackle my dreams. After graduation, I found myself managing the gallery of world-renowned National Geographic Photographer, Frans Lanting. Marrying the man of my dreams, and acquiring a home by the West-Cliff shores, everything seemed to fall into place. However, the seismic tremors of the 2008 financial crisis shattered our plans.

In a bid to preserve our beloved home, we adopted resourcefulness, selling belongings, renting out our house, and setting forth fresh horizons on the East Coast. Grateful for the haven provided by my husband's parents, we toiled relentlessly to rebuild our lives.

Steering clear of the art world, I found stability in a job that blossomed into a 7-year career, culminating in my role as Business Development Manager. Throughout my tenure, I elevated revenue by an astounding 300%. Despite financial success, a yearning to build something personal persisted.

Fortune favored me as I partnered with an enterprising Fund Manager who had pioneered several financial service companies, streamlining capital raising. From this collaboration emerged "Family Office List," to which I took the reins, transforming it from a rudimentary Excel product into a dynamic platform, revolutionizing the Family Office intelligence.

As a founder, funder, mother, wife, and the Chief of Everything, I reflect on my journey spanning diverse fields – from fine art to sales, marketing, business development, and finance – weaving the vibrant fabric of my life connected by threads of resilience, a penchant for meaningful connections, unconventional thinking, and an unwavering growth mindset. Each step carved the path to where I stand today, and for every opportunity, gratitude abounds.


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