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Russian commander reveals main problems on the Ukrainian front
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Russian troops are “exhausted” after suffering “significant” losses following their major attack on the key Ukrainian town of Avdiivka, a US war think tank has said.
Russian and Ukrainian forces fought fierce battles around the strategically important eastern town for a third day after Moscow launched one of its biggest military offensives in months.
The Institute for the Study of War (ISW) reported that Vladimir Putin’s troops are subsequently “exhausted”, according to Russian “Vostok” Battalion Commander Alexander Khodakovsky, who is now even “advocating for Russian forces to freeze the frontlines in Ukraine” in order to make replacements.
Khodakovsky said that the Russian infantry forces on the frontline in Ukraine faced problems of counter-battery capabilities, commander competence, medical supply, rotation and supply.
"Khodakovsky claims that the lack of communication between the Russian battalions and the headquarters was so widespread that when the Ukrainian troops attacked the building of the Russian headquarters, the Russian battalion did not understand that the headquarters was out of order and continued to conduct operations independently," the information says.
It should be noted that Khodakovsky previously complained about problems affecting the ability of Russian troops to conduct effective combat operations. Khodakovsky is a former commander of the Alpha special unit of the Security Service of Ukraine. But after Russia attacked the Donbas region in 2014, he defected and became the security minister of the Donetsk People's Republic. He left that post in 2014 and has been commanding troops in the Donbas region ever since.
Earlier, Khodakovsky suggested that the only way Russia could win the war is by using nuclear weapons against Ukraine.
The ISW added that, in the face of relentless attacks, Ukrainian forces have managed to destroy at least 36 Russian armoured vehicles, including tanks, according to a Ukrainian reserve officer. - click here and support Kanal13 monthly for distributing more videos and independent journalism &
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Tags: Ukriane, Russia, Putin, Putler, Russian invasion of Ukraine, Zelenski, Kiev, Kyiv, Kadirov army, Kadirov, Kherson, Bucha, Kharkiv, Ukrainian pilots, vagners, Russian tanks, NATO, drones, Moscow, Kreml, war victims Ukraina,
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