
1 year ago

新近研究和輝瑞機密文件證實 mRNA疫苗「微粒脫落」確實發生,並引發令人震驚的危險後果

Jane Ruby 博士會見了英國醫生兼科學家 Philippe Van Welbergen 博士,他是最早發現患者的生物武器注射對血液造成損害的醫生之一,當時標準診斷測試未能顯示任何異常。現在他報告了一個新的發現,即未打疫苗者的血液中充滿了石墨烯和自我聚合的奈米顆粒……這是那些為Covid-19疫情騙局而接受疫苗注射了危險生物武器的人而有微粒脫落的表現。

Shedding Confirmed: The Jabbed Are “Vaccinating” The Unjabbed

Dr Jane Ruby meets with UK physician and scientist, Dr. Philippe Van Welbergen, one of the original doctors to find damage to the blood from the bioweapon shots in his patients, when standard diagnostic tests failed to show any abnormalities. Now Dr. Philippe reports on very new findings that the UNjabbed are full of graphene and self assembling nanoparticles in their blood….the manifestation of shedding from those who took the dangerous, bioweapon injections for the fake Covid 19 scam. And in the last segment, organic farmer, herbologist, and raw food expert, Raven Ae joins Dr. Jane for the Natural Health Series focusing on reducing inflammation in the body.

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