Patti Vold - Regional Director, Central Alberta - Candidate

1 year ago

A Voice For Every Member
Patti Vold was born and raised on a farm in the Eastern Irrigation District of Southern Alberta. Patti took her secondary education at the Canadian Lutheran Bible Insitute and Augustana University College both located in Camrose.
She has been married to her husband for 41 years and they live together on a farm east of Ponoka where they have raised a “crop” of 9 children; 5 biological and 4 adopted from Haiti. Their12 grandchildren are also a great joy.
Patti home-schooled her children for over 20 years and was able to keep that well organized while also driving them to piano, sports, tutoring, choir and drama. She also volunteered as a gymnastics coach during that time.
Over the last 3 years Patti has travelled to many community halls helping to educate UCP members on elections, how a CA should operate, and engaging in political conversations with the people of central Alberta. She has learned a great deal and is ready to put her knowledge to work in a new capacity.
Patti Vold sits on the CA boards of Camrose and Ponoka/Lacombe. She is also on the board for her church and of the Haitian Children's Aid Society ( of which she is a co-founder.
Patti's goal is to listen to the people of the Central Region and bring their concerns and ideas back to the provincial board. Each region has unique needs and we need to work together to best listen and take action.
Patti believes we need to protect and develop the resources of Alberta to create a strong and prosperous community for future generations.
Our greatest resource is the people of this province and we must work hard and stay involved to create and sustain a strong Alberta for every citizen of Alberta.

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