Patrick Bet-David | We need a War Time Leader

1 year ago

Patrick Bet-David | We need a War Time Leader.

Patrick Bet-David immigrated to America at twelve years old, when his parents fled Iran as refugees during the Iranian Revolution. After high school, Patrick joined the U.S. military and served in the 101st Airborne before starting a business career in the financial services industry.

*The Israel and Gaza conflict is a long-standing, complex, and highly contentious dispute between Israel, a nation in the Middle East, and Gaza, a Palestinian territory. It involves a history of territorial, political, and religious conflicts, with both sides claiming rights to the same land. The conflict has led to frequent bouts of violence, with issues like borders, security, and the status of Jerusalem at the center of the disagreement. International efforts to find a peaceful resolution have been ongoing for years, but a comprehensive, lasting solution remains elusive.

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Music from #InAudio:
Track Name. Epic Music - Infraction Music- Spirit of War [No Copyright Music] #nocopyrightmusic

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