God is faithful!! Faith is here to stay!!

1 year ago

Faithful Still
When my heart is racing deep inside my chest
When I'm underneath the weight of anxiousness
When my fear is raging and I can't catch my breath
I will remember
You are faithful still
You have carried me through deeper waters
Walked beside me through the fire
Faithful still
You have have closed the mouth of bigger lions
Conquered even greater giants
Gone before me and You always will
You are faithful still
God, you saw this long before I ever knew
And your peace is waiting here to see me through
My deliverance is only found in You
So I will surrender
You are faithful still
You have carried me through deeper waters
Walked beside me through the fire
Faithful still
You have have closed the mouth of bigger lions
Conquered even greater giants
Gone before me and You always will
You are faithful still
I have a hope, I have a future
I'm a child of the Mountain Mover

Are you getting fed Spirituality by God working through me? If so would you prayerfully consider partnership with this ministry!! Thank you for your generous support as you sow a seed into the kingdom today may you be blessed!! Please click the link below.


Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
Luke 6:38 NIV


💥💥By the power of love
Speak in Faith
Go in Faith
Stand in Faith
yes By Faith Love God and Love people!!!💗💗💗💗You you can send a check 1879 PMB 7068 White Lake Dr Elizabethtown, NC 28337

Pray this prayer...

Lord Jesus, Come into my heart. Forgive me of my sins, wash me, and cleanse me. Set Me Free. Jesus, thank you that you died for me. I believe that you have risen from the dead and that you’re coming back again for me. Could you fill me with the Holy Spirit and give me a passion for the lost, and a hunger for the things of God, and a holy boldness to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am now saved! I am now born again because of what Jesus did! I am forgiven, and I am now on my way to heaven. I’ve accepted the ticket, I’ve accepted the pass, I’ve accepted the gift of Jesus. I now have Jesus in my heart.
If you prayed this prayer, welcome to the family! You’re now a child of God, and the good news is your life is going to start to change you. Seek God to get a Bible, and if you need one, let us know, we’ll send you one free. Reach out to me or the best Christian you know and confess today that you accepted Jesus as your Lord and savior. Also, get connected to a local church, one that has the Holy Ghost’s fire and the ministries of Jesus working together.
We love you, and God loves you. Welcome to your new life, your new day where we (Read The Word, Live The Word, and Share The Word). We have a savior, and praise God now you have one too!


Healing Scriptures

Dear Friends & Partners,
Please, know I am praying for you (Psalm 23 & Psalm 91). By His Stripes PDF and the MP3 are attached for you. We are standing firm, praying, and declaring God's Word over you!
Join me live in Facebook Monday Wednesday Friday at 7:30 am or check out my YouTube channel

Many blessings,

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