Brave Woman Lets Huge Spider Crawl Over Her Face, Says It ‘Tickles Very Much’

7 years ago

Are you an arachnophiliac? Yeah, we didn’t think so either. But there are people out there who are fascinated with the eight-legged creepy crawlers, so much so that they keep them as pets and let them crawl all over them.

And then, there are people like the woman in this video from Pensacola, Florida. Her tolerance of the exotic spiders goes through the roof and makes a few turns around the block! When her family found that giant spider called golden silk orb weaver, which is actually a non-aggressive, low-risk biter, but to let it crawl all over your face and sit still in the meantime?

Hey, anything for viral fame. Having nerves as strong as a spider’s silk must be awesome, but come on. If we ever found a spider that big in our house, we would have picked up our loose belongings in a garbage back, break a few liquor bottles around the house and lit that thing ablaze, because there is no way in the world that we are ever stepping foot inside again!

But this woman just lets that interesting specimen climb on her shoulder and then up her face, poke into her eyes under the glasses and climb on top of her head, before “relocating this beautiful golden orb weaver to a more appropriate location”! Have you seen the size of that thing? One thing we remember from biology classes is that the more colorful the bug, the worse it’s sting!

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