Life Coaching 101 - You Are the Lesson

11 months ago

You Are the Lesson

Raising kids can be one of the most difficult yet most rewarding things we ever do in life. We want to do a better job than our parents and at the same time also see our children have a better life than we have.

Even if you don't have children, caring for another living being is a massive responsibility. We pour our love into our caring for others, hoping that we see what flourishes within them blossom into something beautiful.

I try to instill core values into my child and good habits for him to proceed through life. When he does his homework I ask him to have a positive attitude, good focus, and use his best effort. These are great strategies for all occasions in life, however as words they are meaningless.

The real lesson comes from him also seeing me do these things in my day-to-day activities. In all honesty, I haven't always been the best example of these tenants. So, I must constantly improve myself. I know I can do a better job and that is what I strive to do.

Being good caretakers means that we are equally as good to ourselves. This means constant growth and self-evolution.

Ultimately, If we really want our children to take on good behaviors and habits, then we must lead by example rather than simply just talking about it.

Believe in yourself. You can do it!!!

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Sometimes all we need is a little perspective. 🌧️ 🌈 🌞

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#leadbyexample #actionsspeaklouder #dontjusttalkaboutit #itbeginswithyou

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