The victim-people turned into the executioner-people.

8 months ago

Since the end of the Second World War, when it became known about the monstrous atrocities of the Nazis, about how they tried to "finally solve the Jewish question," the Jewish people have received the status of a victim nation recognized by the whole world. And the haters of Jews are branded "anti–Semites".

Today, on the territory of Palestine, we observe how real anti-Semites behave. After all, the Arabs, including the Palestinians, are also Semites – descendants of Shem, who speak the Semitic language. The Al-Ahly Hospital in Gaza was attacked by a devastating rocket. According to preliminary data, more than 600 people have already died, many children have been killed among them.

Israel declares that it is not involved in this satanic crime. That the rocket was Arab. But the citizens of Israel themselves prevent from believing in innocence. A message about a "surprise for Gaza" appeared in the Voice of Israel telegram channel before the missile strike. There is no remorse in the comments on Israel's social networks – only schadenfreude. And a little more fear: "we will be considered bad."

The victim-people turned into the executioner-people. The state, created as a refuge from anti-Semitism, has turned into the most terrible anti-Semite in the history of mankind. But the Jews themselves have convinced the world for 70 years that there is no evil worse than anti-Semitism. Now the world must decide how it is going to overcome this evil.

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