Starmer's Israel statement won't fix the anger he's caused.

7 months ago

Councillors are still resigning, a crass tweet has caused fury too, Starmer's statement was dreadful too. He might be finished.
Right, so Keir Starmer’s reactions and statements on the ongoing Israel Palestine crisis have been criminal – literally – he advocated for Israel to be allowed to commit war crimes, which has already seen members and some councillors around the country quit the party. Things are so bad now, that emergency talks with the entire Labour frontbench went on yesterday to try and work out how they can limit the damage, with a statement on this just now published today. Meanwhile, Starmer issued another ill advised post on Twitter in light of the hospital bombing in Gaza last night and has been met with an avalanche of negativity, not least because he still has not apologised for backing Israel turning the water and electricity off to the Palestinian population of Gaza, but he hasn’t withdrawn those remarks either, so to all intents and purposes he is still standing by them and by doing so remains complicit in the war crimes being committed as directed recently by the International Centre of Justice for Palestinians. No longer is it enough for an increasing number of people to see that apology and retraction from Starmer, now literally a Kid Starver, they are by increasing number, wanting him out and with even more elected officials looking set to resign today as well, the pressure is going to grow on the Labour Party to do something about their Starmer problem, a man who’s unconditional ongoing support for Israel means he has blood on his hands and who nobody in their right minds should want to see put in charge of this country.
Right, so Keir Starmer had an absolute car crash of a day yesterday, entirely self inflicted, entirely deserved. His advocation for war crimes, his unequivocal support for the apartheid regime of Israel, rapidly becoming exposed by more and more people paying attention to the social media content coming out on this, the images, the videos, the first hand testimonies that we’re seeing that the mainstream media doesn’t cover and nothing brought this into sharper focus yesterday than the sight of the al-Ahli Arabi Baptist Church getting bombed, killing hundreds of innocent patients, medical staff and people seeking shelter there, unable to follow the evacuation order to move south. Where people had expressed their shock and horror at the spectacle, comments of that kind coming from Starmer, who has been unequivocal in his ardent support of Israel even to the point he backed their right to commit war crimes against Palestinians were as unwelcome as they possibly could be. Starmer tweeted out in response to that hospital attack: ‘The scenes of hundreds killed at the Al-Ahli Arabi Baptist hospital in Gaza are absolutely devastating and cannot be justified. International law must be upheld. Hospitals and civilian lives must be protected.’
It doesn’t say a lot does it really? Statement of the obvious, but after everything else he has come out with, a bit rich and so many people have said similarly.

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