I Was Wrong About Cardano Foundation - ADA to $6.60?

1 year ago

#Bitcoin #Cardano #Crypto

🔥My Most Important Links🔥
https://CrowTokens.com - The best shitcoin on Cardano
https://MurderOfCrows.io -
https://SoBloks.com - (Alpha) Social Media Platform on Cardano
https://CryptoCrow.io - Official Website
Follow Me On Rumble! https://rumble.com/c/CryptoCrow

💓 Cardano (ADA0 Tip Jar 💓

📲 Social Media 📢
Twitter: https://twitter.com/jasonappleton
Telegram: @Upstager - I do not negotiate reviews/features on telegram.

🧑‍🔧 Tools I Use 🕵️‍♀️
https://www.cryptowall.ca/ Cisco Miraki FireWall- Save 10%: CRYPTOCROW10

📺 Playlists You Need 📺
https://cryptocrow.io/CardanoYTPlaylist - All About Cardano (ADA)
https://cryptocrow.io/LearningCrypto - Getting Started In Crypto

I have impersonators all over social media pretending to be me, so they can get something they want from you whether thats your phone number for SIM Swaps, BTC or ETH for project reviews they cant offer or whatever. If I'm reaching out to you anywhere on the web, chances are HIGH that it's not really me unless I live video verify via Zoom. I'll say your name live, maybe even sing a song.

Overall, I'm just here sharing what I learn, whether it be a cool crypto trading or crypto metrics tools and websites or just my latest understanding of something new, or old.

Crow Your Coins

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