Journalist Attacks Canadian Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre and Gets Smacked Down

8 months ago

October 17, 2023

Video of federal Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre has gone viral at the international level — something that usually only happens when the Prime Minister of Canada does something embarrassing.

Poilievre casually munched on an apple while taking questions from a reporter, Times Chronicle Editor Don Urquhart, who baked typical left-wing attacks into his questions such as calling Poilievre a populist and Trump-like. The CPC leader wouldn’t allow it, and thoroughly embarrassed Urquhart in real time, who couldn’t cite any of his allegations.

Who knew an apple could be so powerful? Pierre Poilievre's recent smackdown of a left-wing reporter, while casually chomping on an apple, has not just our nation but the international community buzzing. And the US? They’re eating it up, figuratively and literally.

“Pierre Poilievre casually smacks down a left wing journalist while munching on an apple,” said the US-based The outlet’s video clip of Poilievre’s exchange has over 4 million views, just 8 hours after posting.

“The apple sells this so hard. I need to do all my interviews eating apples,” said US author and Dilbert-creator Scott Adams.

“@PierrePoilievre HUMILIATES left-wing journalist, casually flips script on him while eating an apple,” said Young Americans for Liberty.

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