"Debunking the Debunker" | Beardo Gets Debunk'd

1 year ago

What a fun video this was to make.
thank you for taking your time to watch my weird videos.

All my videos: https://www.youtube.com/@wakka/videos
Beardo's Merch: https://beardedgeeklive.teemill.com/product/beardo-weirdos-tee/
Thank you to @epidemicmusic@epidemicsound

Copyright owners
Epidemic Sound
On behalf of: Epidemic Sound

Check out https://www.youtube.com/@UC_sOjEnngNB2y_AEaDd2cSA
for music content.

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Entity Seven Paranormal: https://youtube.com/@EntitySevenParanormal?si=yV-cazKeUNrlYhFm
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Beardo: https://youtube.com/@beardogetsscared?si=0d7LtZU14dyXgmhB
The Side Eye Guy: https://youtube.com/@TheSideEyeGuy?si=NpoW47RZb4JOm2Ec
Parrple: https://youtube.com/@Parrple?si=jDrmRYJ0xjBFMD_l
The Shape: https://youtube.com/@theshape3988?si=GMSF8VCMfajAjqNr
World of MrGrey: https://youtube.com/@WorldofMrGrey?si=MyY8xcWO8QitJh1k

The Media in this video (including the thumbnail) is used in a transformative way, for the purpose of review and critique. The images in the thumbnail are used as the primary means of visually identifying the subject matter of the video.

@beardogetsscared #debunked

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