Livestream - Testing a Repaired Famicom Disk System with Akumajō Dracula

1 year ago

I will admit that Halloween is not one of my favorite times of the year. I don't like blood, guts, or gore. As such, I'm kind of particular in the Halloween-themed games that I play each October. As such, I wanted to share some of my favorite games to play around Halloween with you. I don't dig a ton of blood, guts, and gore, but one game I get gleeful delight from every time I play, and a game I consider one of the Must-play games to play for Halloween is Castlevania for the NES and the Famicom.

You can't have Metroidvania games without Castlevania, can you? Well, the very first game set a very high standard. Known in Japan as Akumajō Dracula, you take control of Simon Belmont, a descendent of a vampire killing legend. Your goal? Enter Count Dracula's castle and destroy him again, 100 years after your ancestor did it the first time.

Originally launched in Japan in 1986 on the Famicom Disk System, it was translated and brought over to the West in 1987 as the very first Castlevania game. Here the legacy of a franchise was born, as players everywhere tried to take down the evil vampire villain and all of his henchmen.

Ofer the years, Castlevania has spawned many sequels, Anime, and even a television show. The Belmont and Dracula family have been linked to each other now for almost 40 years, and with the excellent gameplay, level design, play control, and of course music, Castlevania will surely continue to go on and on.

Are you a fan of the Castlevania series? What was the first game you played and what title was your personal favorite? Have you played the Japanese Famicom Disk System Version? Share your thoughts in the comments!

#halloweenwithshorts #Castlevania #halloweengames #Nintendo #Famicom #famicomdisksystem #FYP

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