Gavin Nascimento: A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control

1 year ago

Gavin Nascimento joins us from South Africa to discuss his e-book, 'A History of Elitism, World Government & Population Control'.

He believes that humanity has been deliberately kept in a state of ignorance and unawareness by those whom WCH Steering Committee member Shabnam Palesa Mohamed describes as the ‘parasite class’, in order to continue profiting from our exploitation.

Many of the worst assaults on humanity have been covered up under layers of deception, resulting in most people being unable to recognise the evidence that we are under attack by this parasite class.

Gavin believes that we can use historical patterns as evidence of this malign intent:

“Historically speaking … there are certain immutable patterns. And once you see these patterns you can almost make a scientific observation because the outcome becomes predictable … if it’s been done before, it can be done again. When … these people in power … engage in certain behaviours consistently throughout the human story – then you can use that as reliable, palpable evidence.”

Watch the rest of Better Way Live #107:

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