Captain Commando Readjusted Editor (CCREE), Randomizer Easy Test, キャプテンコマンドー

1 year ago

Captain Commando Readjusted (captre) - キャプテンコマンドー

Just a few more tests and changes left to have the Captain Commando Readjusted Editor finished and posted on Github. Now the test was on the Easy difficulty of the Seed Randomizer, a difficulty that is not hard at all, a very good one for those who already play the game but is playing the randomizer for the first time or to adapt with the changes it brings.
As you can see in the gameplay, easy spawns a reasonable amount of enemies but it also spawns a good amount of food, it is not a hard difficulty at all, only some bosses that becomes way harder with the help of enemies, but the randomizer also drops food on bosses, which makes them not insanely hard, at least not on easy, can't say the same for the hardest difficulties.
Several bugs from the previous tests were fixed, but there are still very minor adjustments needed, they are not game breaking kind of bugs I hope. Right now most of the work to do is checking everything to see if they are done correctly, when I finish all of this I will post it on Github.

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