🇪🇺 LUX Audience Award: Celebrating European Cinema + EP Sabine Verheyen Statement 🇪🇺

8 months ago

The LUX Audience Award is presented every year by the European Parliament and the European Film Academy, in partnership with the European Commission and Europa Cinemas. The award celebrates European cinema and its aim is to raise awareness of Europe’s social, political and cultural issues. The five films nominated for the LUX Audience Award’s fourth edition, 20 000 Species of Bees, Fallen Leaves, On the Adamant, Smoke Sauna Sisterhood and The Teachers’ Lounge, were publicly unveiled during the Venice International Film Festival in presence of Members of European Parliament, audience, filmmakers and film professionals. Statement by Sabine VERHEYEN (EPP, DE), Chair of CULT Committee.

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/lux-audience-award-2024-statement-by-sabine-verheyen-epp-de-chair-of-cult-committee_I245109

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