Oprah Shares Message with the Class of 2020 that Left Viewers in TEARS

1 year ago

‘You will follow us down the drain’ — Listen to Oprah’s nauseating call to action for the class of 2020. In this terrible speech, to all the people wearing masks at home, she used every buzz word, liberal talking point, and meaningless platitude that she could fit into six minutes. Oprah gave the class of 2020 an depressing and contrived speech about being the 'chosen class' in the time of unknown amidst the covid craziness.

For more feel good news and the latest coronavirus news, go to Real Free News.

#Oprah #Classof2020 #speech #motivation #motivational #motivationalspeech #inspiration #inspirationalspeech #commencement #commencementspeech #badactor #fake #phony #lose #stupid #pathetic #wimp #comedy #standupcomic #comedyroutine #award #awardceremony #thatswasup

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