911 is the Biggest Lie of our Lifetime – Were Cheney, Bush and Rumsfeld behind this?

1 year ago

911 was 100% a Government False Flag Operation to make it appear a group of terrorists led by Osama Bin Laden attacked our country to get the public on board with the evil premeditated agenda to attack Iraq so our corporate and Military Industrial Complex could profit.
Plus, the heist of gold in trade center, it provided a distraction for $Trillions missing announced by Rumsfeld the day before and the owner doubled his insurance for a terrorist attack on Twin Towers a month prior.

Steel Buildings do not fall from the bottom up. It was a controlled demolition.

A jet didn't hit and penetrate the Pentagon.

Why wasn't Building 7 in the 911 Commission Report?

The government was behind 911 and Covid Vaccines.

The lies continue because not enough people ask questions.

Everything needs to be questioned.

Source: Tyler Oliveira -- Youtube -- https://www.youtube.com/@TylerOliveira

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