Pleiadian Being Answers Questions About the War

1 year ago

0:00 Introduction
0:23 Hesitations and seeking help
2:39 Orientation and upcoming conference
5:10 Important announcements and website options
6:00 Raw conversation with Pleiadian being Kinetic
13:18 Earth's power and influence
15:07 Impact on the world's population
16:29 Questioning the Galactic Federation's intervention
17:56 Direct manipulation and intervention thresholds
19:29 Timeline shifts and separation
21:33 Altering timelines and past interventions
24:06 The dilemma of reporting and focusing on agendas
26:07 How to help and stop the war
28:58 Conclusion and sending love

EA unpacked so much information in the Oct GFL Live Summit! You don't want to miss the important insights we were given! Click here to order your recording:

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