The Disclosure Discussion with Jeffrey Weinstein

9 months ago

Truth may be stranger than the fiction we we're taught to believe in...
In this video, I interview and discuss the disclosure project with my friend Jeffery Weinstein, spiritual teacher, researcher and comedian. We both agree that we are not alone on this 'planet' and this is a good thing! We witness how misaligned humanity is right now, in this great time of revelation and transition of the ages, still being led & manipulated by a bunch of corrupt psychopaths who own most of the worlds the media and are hell bent on destroying humanity and nature... We both have Great admiration for Dr. Steven Greer's work and hope the word can spread about ET's and interstellar and interdimensional entanglement through our frequency and levels of consciousness.

Our discussion was inspired by this one :
They Can't Hide ET's Anymore: Face-To-Face Encounters, UFO Secrets & ET Communication - Steven Greer

Billy Carson & Dr. Steven Greer - Project Starlight:The Event that Triggered the Disclosure Movement :

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