TvNI = Truth vs. NEW$ INC. Oct 15, War without Rules!? 1st hour

8 months ago

Truth vs. NEW$ 1st hour (15 October 2023) with Jim Fetzer, Don Grahn, Scott Bennett, and Chris Weinert
The Israeli Defense Minister has (ominously) declared, "We have abolished all the rules of war. Our soldiers will not be held responsible for anything.
There will be no military courts", inviting mass murder, rape and looting with impunity.
This kind of arrogance will meet universal condemnation as a form of collective punishment proscribed by international law.
He is declaring Israel to be a rogue state, not subject to the laws of man (no doubt because they claim to be following a higher law, the dictates of God)!
Israel's President Hirzog echoes those sentiments by proclaiming, "No mercy for terror", as though Israel could do anything it wants to anyone it wants with impunity.
The UN is warning of a refugee catastrophe, as camps are overflowing and even the bare necessities of life are in scant supply.
The bombing of civilian housing continues unabated, even though it's a blatant violation of human rights.
Meanwhile, Israel has delayed its ground invasion, almost certainly because of the growing realization that Israel will be attacked on multiple fronts as a consequence and that the world's opinion is massively against them.
This appears to be a turning point for its standing among nations as not merely corrupt and inhumane but demonstrably repulsive and evil.
Several videos illustrate the fabrication of propaganda by the networks, where FOX features a dog (when Israel has acknowledged that the stories of 40 beheaded babies was false) and a CNN pre-broadcast emerges in which the players are given directives and the special effects coordinator is told to "turn up the sound of the bombs''.
The damage to civilian homes and infrastructure is extensive and appalling.
Israel has now imposed a complete siege on Gaza, cutting off electricity, food, fuel, and water ahead of the ground operation, which are crimes against humanity and collective punishments forbidden by the Hague and Geneva Conventions.

Yet your US Secretary of State Antony Blinken declares (without authorization of Congress) that "as long as America exists", it will stand with Israel--which is simply obscene

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