GOD DOESN'T KNOW EVERYTHING, but He does knows everything there is to know.Welcome to the Grace Life

8 months ago

Because God has not predetermined the entire future, and the fact that the future has not happend yet, it does means that God can not know exacty how "everything" will fall out. Yet, because He is God he will make things happen just as He wants them to happen, when the furure finally arrives..

Case and point is the book of Revelation. God will make things happen just like God said, because God will manipulate events to make them happen, even though the future has not happend when Revelation was written.

I know it's confusing and almost seems like false statements, and even wrong on so many levels, please think about this. The biggest problem here is that most Grace Christians have a little bit of Calvinism baggage that they carry around with them everyday. It's time to get rid of our unneeded baggage and Welcome ourselves to the Grace Life Unleashed.

God is a zero point Calvinist, so maybe we should be one too.
Please think about this as you listen to my message this morning.

Pastor Dave Siegmann

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