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15 seconds


1 year ago

This video features a Q & A with Gene Decode (one co-host of the video,
founder of Blessed for Service) conducted by Joshua Shapiro (the second
co-host, co-founder for The Center for the Advancement of Humanity) done on September 29th, 2023.

PLEASE NOTE: This version of this video is a more expanded and longer version that contains the full Q& A with Gene plus at the back of the video is an on-line resource section with digital slides that contains the full contact information how to reach Gene Decode as well as Joshua (via the center and his personal organization) plus how to watch the other four chats

Gene has had with Joshua, all the free e-books Joshua is sharing, his 2023 Truth Video Series and additional resources which discuss some of the topics spoken about during the Q & A.
Basically what issues were discussed?:

1) Are the rumors we hear about a totally new financial system coming out
soon backed by precious metals true and what does
BRICS have to do with this?

2) Will Currencies be Re-evaluated in the future? (Part of the new financial sys)

3) Any new updates going on with the War in the Ukraine?

4) Comments about so-called President Biden and the recent impeachment inquiry?

5) Is the test of the Emergency Alert System on October 4th by FEMA and the FCC of concern?

6) What happened in Lahaina, Maui, HI? What about the crazy weather we are having? How to deal with false and fear-based events.

7) What about an Ice Wall connected to Antarctica?

8) Recommendations of what people should do while we wait for the positive life-changing events to happen.

9) Comments on Extra-terrestrials (Galactics) and their connection with our World

10) Brief discussion on new advance tech coming, what Gene sees coming for the next 6 months to a year..


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