Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders to force Chinese company to sell Arkansas farmland

8 months ago

Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders announced Arkansas will be the first state to make another country to sell off agricultural land in the northeast part of the state.

At the beginning of my term, my administration worked with our partners in the legislature to hostile foreign entities out of Arkansas.
I was proud to sign act 6 36 sponsored by Senator Johnson and Representative Vugt, banning foreign parties from nine enemy countries from owning agricultural land in Arkansas.

And today we are acting on that law. I'm announcing that Syngenta, a Chinese state-owned Agri chemical company must give up its land holdings in Arkansas.
Syngenta owns 100 and 60 acres in Northeast Arkansas, which it uses primarily for seed research. The company that owns Syngenta, Kim China is also on the Department of Defense's list of Chinese military companies posing a clear threat to our state.

Seeds are technology. Chinese state owned corporations filter that technology back to their homeland, stealing American research and telling our enemies how to target American farms. That is a clear threat to our national security and to our great farmers, especially since the Chinese government enacted a law in 2017, requiring Chinese citizens abroad to collaborate with their country's security officials on intelligence work with no questions asked.

This isn't about where you're from. We welcome Chinese Americans, Russian Americans and anyone else who's given up foreign oppression for American freedom.
This is about where your loyalties lie.
We simply cannot trust those who pledge allegiance to a hostile foreign power. That's why I signed act 5 25 sponsored by Representative Mckenzie and Senator Boyd to ban Chinese and Russian made drones and it's why I signed act 758, sponsored by Representative McAlinden and Senator Stubblefield banning public contracts with the CCP.

We will make sure that every company operating in Arkansas is a friend to Arkansas and good to hard working Arkansans. Secretary Ward has already notified Syngenta about this decision if they refuse to sell, our attorney general can move forward with legal proceedings and force them to get out of our state.

Arkansas will always protect our farmers and our national security interest.
I wanna thank our legislature for passing this common sense measure and I wanna thank the Department of Agriculture for working so hard on this issue.

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