Chapter 100 | Commentary in English of Surah Al-Adiyat | Allah Swear of Horse | @islamichistory813

8 months ago

@islamichistory813 #quran #recitation #surahaladiyat #tafseer #commentary #english

Asslamoalaikum, اسلام علیکم to everybody, our channel is for about ISLAMIC HISTORY and in this video we will talk about..Chapter 100: Commentary and virtues of Surah Al adiyat , reveald in Makka,
Allah swore in this surah, The kind of horses that run panting. Then of those who extract sparks from sim marker stones.
The horses mentioned in this verse refer to the horses of Ghazis who run in Jihad and the sounds come out of their chests.
From the verse,
(1)... The glory of the Ghazis is so high that Allah swore by their horses.
(2)... When Ghazi's horse took Ghazi on his back, his glory became high. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddiq Radiyallahu Ta'ala Anhu, on the night of Hijrah, Mohammad PBUH To. Hazrat Ali Al-Murtaza took Hazrat Mohammad PBUH to his companions. And Hazrat Aisha Siddiqa, at the time of the departure of the Holy Prophet Mohammad PBUH He took the head of Mubarak on his chest, rather that Amina Khatoon and Halimah Dai who carried the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) What will be the glory of those who fed the Almighty in their laps.
(3)...When the Ghazi's horse is happy, that his oath is uttered, then there is also the Sunnah of Zakir, which heals.
Allah said: Then of those who extract sparks from sim marker stones.}
Hazrat Abdullah Bin Abbas Radiyallahu Ta'ala Anhuma says: "This refers to the horses that walk on rocky ground, and sparks of fire come out from the friction of their hoofs."
Relatives far from popular are also cause for respect: One point worth mentioning here is that this stone and flame were compared to the poison of Ghazi's horse, and it became so dear in the sight of Allah that Allah mentioned it in an oath. It is also a reason for respect.
Allah said and again swore :Then in the morning of those who looted. Then at that time they blow balloons. Then at the same time they enter the army of the enemy.
The summary of this verse and the following two verses is that by the horses that attack the enemies of Islam in the morning, then run and
blow balloons, then fearlessly enter the enemy's army. . When the Mujahideen planned to attack an enemy of Islam, they would travel through the night and attack in the morning. At that time people were careless and unprepared for war
Information obtained from Surah Aadiyat verses 3 to 5: A few things were known from these verses (1) …Jihad is generally blessed in the morning, but every religious and worldly work done at that time is blessed. (2)...The dust that flies from the running of horses at the time of Jihad is also dear to Allah, because it is the dust that flies in the way of Allah. (3)...Fearlessly entering the enemy's army is also dear to Allah.
Allah Ta'ala mentioned the oaths of Ghazi's horses and said: "Surely man is very ungrateful to his Lord." And some commentators said that
ungrateful means a sinful person and some said that it means a person who remembers troubles and forgets blessings.
Allah said: And surely he himself is a witness to this.}
One of the meanings of this verse is that surely that person is a witness to his ungratefulness by his own actions. The second meaning is that Allah is witness to the ungratefulness of man

It is in Noor al-Irfan: The heedless person has a hard heart because of the love of wealth, because the love of wealth is the cause of the hardness of the heart, just as the love of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, is the cause of the softness of the heart. Look at Yazid, Pharaoh, Shaddad, animals. were more hard-hearted than those who simply love wealth or a careless person is hard-hearted in the love of wealth, soft in religion (that is, they do not tolerate harshness in religion), that is why people usually suffer for the sake of the world those hardships that religion Do not suffer for
Ghazi Mean: A Muslim Warrior. who will return alive from war the They were victorious in battle against opponents of Islam. shaheed mean died as a title of winner.
Allah Hafiz

#islamic historyinurdu

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