PBC October 15, 2023

11 months ago

[Again this week, we had some technical difficulties. The sound kicks in at the 22:22 mark.]
Last week, we finished looking at God’s creation. God created the man and the woman and brought them together to become the first family. They were ready to fulfill God’s command to be fruitful and multiply and govern the earth. God’s creation was very good.
It seems that almost immediately, though, this first family--this foundation block for all of society is under attack. Families are still under attack today. The same serpent who sought to ruin God’s good creation, is still seeking to ruin lives today.
Interestingly, he is still using the same methods as he used on the woman.
As we unpack or passage, we will talk first about who the serpent is, then how he deceived the woman, and finally what the consequences were for mankind’s disobedience to God.

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