Message from the Universe

11 months ago


Who here likes to practice a form of divination using animal omens?

It can't be just me lol!

I love doing this.

Asking the universe for signs.

And then having animal omens show up.

I was recording a YouTube video the other day.

And right in the middle of the recording.

A blackbird hops right over to me.

And looks me dead in the eye lol.

This usually happens.

The animal will do something a lil bit out of the ordinary to get my attention.

So I know it's a message.

This form of divination is called Cryptomancy.

I then tune in to myself to see what the message is.

Or you can also look up the spiritual meaning and take what resonates.

And on this occasion when I tuned in.

I heard happiness.

So if this reel finds you today.

Happiness is coming your way!


Kelsie X


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