10 SCP things you can make with 20 Lego pieces Part 3

3 years ago

Secure. Contain. Protect. Build SCPs from Lego using only 20 pieces each for your containment breach stop motion animation or MOC, or to display on your shelf or desk :-) See an easy way to make The Clockworks (SCP-914), SCP-2086 Rerouting, SCP-879 Colonial Cetacean and 7 others built with only 20 pieces each in this MOC building tutorial from Gold Puffin :-)

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#SCP #20Pieces #Lego

00:00 Intro
00:30 SCP-149 SCP-879 Colonial Cetacean
00:51 SCP-034 SCP-914 The Clockworks
01:10 SCP-846 SCP-205 Shadow Lamp
01:30 SCP-075 ••|•••••|••|•
01:50 SCP-737 Tub for SCP-387 Living Lego
02:10 SCP-713 The living Lego SCP-387
02:26 SCP-139 SCP-6003-1 Early 1940s lighthouse
02:46 SCP-682 2086 Rerouting
03:06 SCP-617 SCP-4217-A Bismarck
03:25 SCP-849 SCP-323 Wendigo Skull
03:45 Thanks and outro

Special thanks to my Patrons RyGuyGaming, Nate Sharpe, and FOX brickr Studios for supporting me! Their channel links are here:

Nate Sharpe:
FOX brickr Studios:

To become a Gold Puffin Patron, head over here:

To see more 10 piece builds by Gold Puffin, check out the following playlist:

"Heel Flip" by Slynk & Kermode

All builds designed by Gold Puffin

Website: https://www.goldpuffin.com/
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/goldpuffin
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoldPuffinLegoAnimation
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/gold.puffin

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