Fulfilling Your Roles and Responsibilities

9 months ago

Welcome to Day 1 of RLCC Daily Devo. The title of our devotional today is - "Fulfilling Your Roles and Responsibilities"

Scripture Passage: Genesis 12:10-20

Meditation: In Genesis 12:10-20, Abraham needed to learn how to be responsible toward Sarai, his wife. This is part of his preparation. Like Abraham, we need to consider the roles and responsibilities that we have in our lives today.

Personal Application: Today, reflect on the roles and responsibilities you have within your family, at work, or in your community. How can you honor God by being faithful and fruitful in these roles as part of your mission preparation?

Prayer: Lord, help me recognize the importance of fulfilling my current roles and responsibilities in preparation for my mission. Give me the strength and wisdom to be faithful and fruitful in all I do. In Jesus' name, amen.

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