1 year ago

Quote by "ericdrisgula3879"
This video is pure gold in it's worth for those out there whom still are not aware about any of these programs and technologies/weapons , or doubt their existance , and even myself who has been into researching this stuff very regularly for a good five years now and despite being so deep down the rabbit hole that I feel like I literally got sucked into a black hole opposed to a rabbit hole, yet regardless still have taken away a good few things that I wasn't quite as aware of as I've liked to have been and learned a thing or two from watching this video. This channel has a ton , I mean just seems like a ton of mostrly excellent videos most of them on these programs , DEW's , psychotronic and neuroweapons and mind control themed content ...but man this one was exceptionally good for me at least anyway IMHO.. watched it twice, especially the part pretty early on in the video tallking about thr link between C-19 , 5g and all the stuff about RNA and DNA how they use tech based upon picking up pretty much every single thing one possibly can about you entire mind and body's goings by something to do with the light flash in the DNA/RNA ,or something like that , I need to watch yet again because thoughts it's been under 45 minutes since I last watched that part , I have been having a complete breakdown and failure in my short term and long term memory the last 18 months , which has gotten especially a good bit worse than ever before in just the last 3-4 months and therefore I literally no exaggeration cannot specifically remember at all about what exactly was said and explained in the part about the light in the DNA part I referenced a few lines up and so on , the part with Harold Kautz Vella clips and couple clips of 1 or 2 other people talking upon the ssme thing, it's really bad and converning me that I can't remember things from less than an hour prior on a constant basis, hell I often am talking and just mid sentance stop suddenly because I have to admit to who ever I was talking to that I literally cannot finish my sentance because I can't remember what I said earlier in the samr very sentancre I just stopped short sufdenly from speaking out and as a result cannot finish the sentance cause I have no clue whatsoever what the F*ck I was even talking about...that is true to the fullest extent and it's starting to really concern me that I have some sort of considerable healthy issue that's undiagnosed that I'd just shoot a guess in that to me I'd suspect its prob almost certainly gotta be something neaurologically based in my brain which is where the problem is , and I don't know much about the body but I know enough to know health issues with the brain are generally for the most part not so great to not just how they have to be treated but not so great more so that alot of brain relatef issues I know cannot be treated or fixed at all what so ever , some of them commonly leading eventually causing the body to just check out and shutdown , to take an eternal nap of the type you dont wake up from ever again , and I hope I'm just being paranoid and that what Im deallin with hopefully isnt a big deal and or has a real super easy painless simple quick fix or treatment , thats best case scenarip and I'm gonna pray to my god that nothing bad happens as he failed me already , hitting me with the biggest kick in the stomach and F U that god has ever dealt me in taking my beloved little sister at just 37 years old only two days ago with also just so happened to of course with my luck also was my 40th birthday , so...yeah...I'm not feeling much faith in God anymore right now and am statting to think amongst all else ive been dealt the last 10 years im starting to bekieve Satan himself is the god of this world , I'm kinda being pretty serious in saying that cause certainly no god has answered any of my many prayers , given me even the slightest bit of mercy or compassion or blessings , and clearly didn't do any of that for my sister either based on that fact that he took her two days ago for no god damned reason at all whatsoever , all he did was takr every thing from her including now her life , and seems to enjoy shattering the hearts and souls of myself of my family as if he enjoys tormenting us and causing us the most allmost unfathomable agony and pain one could possibly ever feel and experience like God is simoly enjoying destroyed every singlr aspect of my life and torturing my heart and soul endlessly over and over and over and just now dealt me the greatest blow yet and my faith in god , espeically with what is happening in this world today in regards to the type of things this video describes , and god has betrayed and shattered my faith and he can for all I care for f*cking f*ck himself and burn in the deeppest pits of fire within that horrifyingly worst agonizing part of hell , for all id care at this point , he crossed the god danned line this time on this one with my sister and such , how am I supposed to have no had my faith totally shattered and destroyed at this point , he can burn in hell, and id feel so much satisfaction in knowing and seeing that happen, mercyful and compassionate, loving all might god my god damned ass , hes a psychopathic distrubinglu dimented low life of the likes so low that he and satan have to be both the same characters , both one in the same , just wearing multiple different masks.
NOTE: These are not necessarily the beliefs of the uploader. Discernment is required to see the Truth in all of it. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus Christ is the Light that came into the world. There is NO other name by which you can be saved! Repent, be baptized and Born Again!
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